[postgis-users] Warning GEOS is NOT enabled

Mark Cave-Ayland mark.cave-ayland at ilande.co.uk
Tue Jul 24 15:34:03 PDT 2007

On Tue, 2007-07-24 at 19:50 +0000, Marc Desharnais wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> I did a make install. Maybe someone can tell me if I missed something to 
> make GEOS work properly with Postgis.
> But my Postgresql is not installed in a default directory. So maybe 
> there is a problem with that.
> What library should I check to be sure that it's well installed?
> Marc

Hi Marc,

One of the first things to check is that when you do a "make", you see
the -DUSE_GEOS argument in the gcc command lines being output to the
screen. That's the part that tells the compiler to include the GEOS

Secondly, check your installation paths. Are you connecting to the
correct PostgreSQL instance if there are multiple PostgreSQL
installations on your server? According to the configure output you
included, the pg_config being used is
in /data/ulysse/postgis_geos/postgresql-8.2.4/bin/pg_config. So that
means during a "make install", the liblwgeom.so library is being placed
in the location given by:

/data/ulysse/postgis_geos/postgresql-8.2.4/bin/pg_config --libdir

(I also noticed that PROJ is not being included either, so this is not
just a GEOS problem.)

Finally, for the PostgreSQL server to find these libraries, you'll need
to make sure that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable is set for
the user under which the PostgreSQL server runs to find the directories
containing all the .so files - you'll need something like this:




ILande - Open Source Consultancy

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