[postgis-users] how to insersect a rectangle with a geometry?

Arnaud Lesauvage arnaud.listes at supermail.fr
Wed Jul 25 07:06:02 PDT 2007

Stefan Zweig a écrit :
> i would like to the following: i want to intersect a rectangle (e.g. a rectangle obtained from a bounding box from another object) with an arbitrary geometry
> i tried that the following way:
> st_intersection(SetSRID(MakeBox2D(SetSRID(MakePoint(13, 51),4326),SetSRID(MakePoint(20, 55),4326)),4326),staaten."the_geom")

I don't understand : you tell us about a rectangle, but you intersect two points with your geometry ?

What about st_intersection(st_envelope(your_first_object),staaten."the_geom") ?

Sorry if I did not understand correctly what you are trying to do.

Best Regards

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