[postgis-users] Re: can not perform installation of pgRouting module for kamap

Sean Fulton seanasy at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 12:09:26 PDT 2007

On 2007-03-17 11:08:27 -0400, "shilpi pasricha" <ekpari84 at gmail.com> said:
> i tried to follow the steps as given in ominiverdi's wiki
> i installed gual,boost,cgal with no errors
> as given on this site: http://www.postlbs.org/postlbs-cms/en/node/21
> but when i perform this step: PGSQL_PATH/bin/psql -f routing.sql routing
> as given in step 3 of the above-mentioned link, i get the following errors:
> http://rafb.net/p/tzO19J54.html

> i tried re compiling BOOST,GAUL,CGAL.
> but the same errors sprout back..
> what could be wrong ?
> plz help!

I had the same the problem. pgRouting has a problem in how it links 
libraries. I've haven't tried to find a proper fix but I did 
successfully work around it. The pgRouting library expects CGAL and 
GAUL libraries to be in the directory directly above it.

For example:

- If routing.so -> /usr/lib/pgsql/routing.so
- it expects -> /usr/lib/libCGAL.so

So, create sym links in the directory above routing.so to the actual 
libraries. You'll have to do this for libgaul and libgaul_util as well.

Other options are to move the libraries or fix the pgRouting build 
process. I opted for the quick fix.


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