[postgis-users] Database Design

Rob Tester robtester at gmail.com
Tue Nov 13 06:47:17 PST 2007

Open System Architect supports PostgreSQL although it does have a few bugs that can be annoying. It has support for serial types as well others (but not geometry). It's open source and supports Windows and Linux.

You can get it from here: 


-----Original Message-----
From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net [mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Gustavo Martinez
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 6:01 AM
To: mlinden at zeelandnet.nl; PostGIS Users Discussion
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Database Design

El Tuesday 13 November 2007 05:27:02 Milo van der Linden escribió:
> I am looking in to this. I contacted the people at fabforce, creators of
> DBDesigner4. When you investigate the program directory, you will see
> that there are ini files containing datatypes and supported databases. I
> would like to get postgres into that. So I asked them if it is possible
> to edit the ini file to make DBDesigner support postgres. I know for
> sure you can reverse engineer it, but supporting the specific datatypes
> for postgres requires some more settings.

There is also an open source fork of DBDesigner4 at 

They say that it supports Postgres although I couldn't find the serial type.

> Gustavo Ces schreef:
> > Sorry, i didn´t explain it very well,
> >
> >        I don´t see serials or sequences in DBDesigner DataTypeS
> > Column, so i supose i can´t use it in DBD. Actually, i use them in
> > PostGis, but i don´t know how to design a table in DBD and then Save
> > In Database directly ( i suposed geometry columns have to be created
> > by hand, but not taked in count serials or sequences ). So, my
> > question is, is it posible to create in DBD and export to PostGis(
> > avoiding geometry columns) ? Or may i have to create that type of
> > columns "coding by hand", as i do with functions, triggers and other
> > database stuff?
> >     Thanks for answering,
> >
> > Gus
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
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Lic. Gustavo Martínez
Gestión de Pesquerías
Sub Secretaría de Pesca de la Nación
Paseo Colón 982, Anexo Jardín Pesca
Tel: (54) 11 43492165
Buenos Aires, República Argentina

“Que la tierra se vaya haciendo camino ante tus pasos,
que el viento sople siempre a tus espaldas,
que el sol brille cálido sobre tu cara,
que la lluvia caiga suavemente sobre tus campos y,
hasta tanto volvamos a encontrarnos,
que Dios te lleve en la palma de su mano.”
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