[postgis-users] RE: Data security via Postgis

Guido Lemoine guido.lemoine at jrc.it
Fri Nov 16 00:54:47 PST 2007


A WMS request to Mapserver "only" serves a painted composition of your
(feature and raster) data, i.e. not the actual feature or original 
raster data itself.

Your mapserver set-up controls what detail the user can get. Your user would
need to recompose your complete data sets, and re-digitise these to make use
of it as separate data layers. You could do some web request monitoring 
linked to your user's IP) to check his/her behavior.


YC Nyon wrote:
> Hi,
> We have a project where we want to let our clients use our digital 
> maps via Mapserver.
> This is based on subscription fees.
> The data and Mapserver app sits in different servers.
> We intend to put the digital maps in Postgis and Mapserver reads it as 
> a datasource. 
> My questions are
> 1. Is that secure enough to safeguard our digital maps?
> 2. If not, is there any other methods of letting clients use the 
> digital data and also ensuring that they are not able to get hold of 
> the data.
> Regards
> Yong
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Guido Lemoine
Joint Research Centre, European Commission
Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (IPSC)
Unit: Support to External Security
Via E. Fermi, 1 TP 267 Ispra 21020 (VA), Italy
Tel. +39 0332 786239 (direct line) Fax. +39 0332 785154
WWW: http://ses.jrc.it
Views expressed are those of the individual and do not represent 
the views of the European Commission

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