[postgis-users] The lazy donut maker

Kevin Neufeld kneufeld at refractions.net
Mon Jan 28 08:40:55 PST 2008

Yes.  ST_Collect your Linestrings together and pass them to 
ST_BuildArea().  The return type can be a Polygon, MultiPolygon, or NULL 
(if input linework does not form polygons).  You may want to use 
ST_Dump() to convert a MultiPolygon result into a set of Polygons.
-- Kevin

Gustavo Ces wrote:
> Hi,
>     maybe this is a recurrent question but, is it possible to create 
> polygons with holes in postgis directly? What i want to know is, given 
> two concentric circles, with different radius, can postgis make 
> directly (with no other data, as "the inner circle is a hole or is 
> another polygon") two polygons ( the donut and the hole)?
> I´ve got a group of closed lines, some of them inside the others ( 
> polygons inside polygons). I want postgis to create the areas with 
> autodetection of holes, etc...
> Any help?
> Thanks in advance,
> Gus
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