[postgis-users] Semantics of difference() function

Martin Davis mbdavis at refractions.net
Mon Jun 9 12:18:24 PDT 2008

Yes - but it doesn't provide the section LINESTRING(0 1, 2 1) inside the 
polygon.  I envision this also being provided by split().   (Otherwise 
you have to run two operations, difference and intersection - with the 
associated performance penalty, and also a risk that round-off will 
cause results to be computed which don't precisely match)

Andy Anderson wrote:
> Difference does seem to provide both sides of the subtractor:
>     select st_astext(st_difference(GEOMFROMTEXT('LINESTRING(-1 1, 3 1)'),
>         GEOMFROMTEXT('POLYGON((0 0, 2 0, 2 2, 0 2, 0 0))')))
> returns
>     'MULTILINESTRING((-1 1,0 1),(2 1,3 1))'
> -- Andy
> On Jun 9, 2008, at 2:44 PM, Martin Davis wrote:
>> I see the difference (pun intended) between difference() and split() 
>> being that split returns the geometries on both sides of the 
>> splitting geometry, ordered so that the user can decide which one(s) 
>> he wants.  This is more powerful than difference, which only returns 
>> a single geometry from one side of the split.
>> And I agree - I don't think polygons should be reduced to their 
>> boundary first - the user can do this explicitly if they require it.
>> Andy Anderson wrote:
>>> On Jun 5, 2008, at 11:43 AM, Martin Davis wrote:
>>>> I think the operation also is meaningful for the case (line, 
>>>> polygon) => line (this is equivalent to a combination of 
>>>> line.difference(polygon) and line.intersection(polygon) )
>>> Ah, yes, split(line, polygon) should definitely be allowed. However, 
>>> I was originally imagining that split(line, polygon), as well as 
>>> split(polygon1, polygon2), should be the same as difference(*, 
>>> polygon), which is geometrically consistent with the simpler forms 
>>> split(*, line) and split(line, point):
>>>    ####
>>> ----####--->   becomes   --->    --->
>>>    ####                  1       2
>>> But I see where it might be more useful for the polygon in the 
>>> second argument to be reduced to its boundary first:
>>>    ####                     +--+   ----####--->   becomes   
>>> ----|--|--->   becomes   ---> ---> --->
>>>    ####                     +--+                  1    2    3
>>> But the latter is easily produced with the boundary function if 
>>> someone is so inclined:
>>> split(polygon1, polygon2) == split(polygon1, boundary(polygon2)) 
>>> split(line, polygon) == split(line, boundary(polygon))
>>> This is more involved, but less confusing to those like me who learn 
>>> from consistency. What do other people think?
>>>> Having thought about this with an eye to implementation, I've take 
>>>> the definition a bit further:
>>>> * The result of split(g1, g2) is a two-component 
>>>> GeometryCollection, GC(c1, c2).
>>> If you define split(line, polygon) as the combination of 
>>> difference(line, polygon) and intersection(line, polygon), then you 
>>> could have three components, right? This would also happen with 
>>> split(line1, line2) and line2 is a linear ring that crosses line1 
>>> twice.
>>>> * The first component c1 is the portion of g1 which lies to inside, 
>>>> to the left of, or before, g2 (depending on whether g2 is a 
>>>> polygon, line or point).  The second component c2 is the portion of 
>>>> g1 which lies outside, to the right of, or after g2. * The types of 
>>>> c1 and c2 are the same as g1.  c1 and c2 may be empty, in 
>>>> degenerate cases (e.g,. where one or more components of g1 are not 
>>>> intersected, or intersected only at their boundary).
>>> It seems to me that "left" and "right" don't always work for lines, 
>>> as you could also have "below" or "above". Or are you referencing 
>>> the directionality of g2 here, as you traverse it? But if it's a 
>>> linear ring, the inner portion will be both to the left and right. I 
>>> wonder if it wouldn't make more sense to simply use the 
>>> directionality of g1 instead, describing its pieces as "first", 
>>> "second", etc., as I suggest in my drawings above?
>>> As for polygons, there's no obvious spatial ordering for them, 
>>> unless you take their vertex order as significant. That seems 
>>> reasonable to me. For example,
>>> split(POLYGON((0 0, 2 0, 2 2, 0 2, 0 0)), LINESTRING(1 -1, 1 3)) 
>>> becomes GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POLYGON((0 0, 1 0, 1 2, 0 2, 0 0)), 
>>> POLYGON((1 0, 2 0, 2 2, 1 2, 1 0)))
>>> because the first polygon has the first vertex of the original and 
>>> the second polygon is built from later vertices. I'm not certain if 
>>> this could be consistently defined, though; it would require 
>>> comparisons of multiple vertices when one or more are shared by the 
>>> split polygons.
>>>> * Any components of g2 which have a position which is not 
>>>> well-defined relative to g2 (e.g.which are not intersected, or 
>>>> which are intersected only partially), are returned as components 
>>>> of c1 (--- this rule is fairly arbitrary - a different strategy 
>>>> might make equal sense)
>>> So c1 is itself a Geometry Collection? This seems unnecessarily 
>>> complicated; I would prefer a flat object.
>>> -- Andy
>>>> Andy Anderson wrote:
>>>>> On Jun 4, 2008, at 11:49 AM, Martin Davis wrote:
>>>>>> To answer a question you posed on your blog, the reason that when 
>>>>>> you subtract a line from a polygon you get basically the same 
>>>>>> polygon, rather than say the polygon split into two halves, is 
>>>>>> that if the latter was provided as a MultiPolygon it would be 
>>>>>> invalid, because the halves would share line segments down the 
>>>>>> middle.  Also, if the line did not fully overlap the polygon 
>>>>>> there's no choice - you have to return the original poly.  The 
>>>>>> behaviour is thus consistent between the two cases.
>>>>>> Unfortunately the SFS (and no other standard I'm aware of) 
>>>>>> doesn't define the precise semantics of the overlay operations.  
>>>>>> So I made 'em up!  Hopefully they are consistent and reasonable.  
>>>>>> There's no doubt alternative definitions which might be useful in 
>>>>>> some cases - but you have to choose one definition for any given 
>>>>>> function.  (For the situation above, many people would like a 
>>>>>> "cut polygon by line" operation - hopefully that will get 
>>>>>> provided as a new function sometime soon).
>>>>> I've seen "split" as a term that is commonly used for such 
>>>>> operations, e.g.
>>>>> geometry = ST_Split(geometry1, geometry2)
>>>>> This should be defined for geometry1 of dimensionality D ≥ 1 and 
>>>>> geometry2 of dimensionality D or D-1, i.e. (polygon, polygon), 
>>>>> (polygon, line), (line, line), and (line, point). The result 
>>>>> should be GeometryType(geometry) == 'GeometryCollection' where for 
>>>>> any n GeometryType(ST_GeometryN(geometry, n)) == 
>>>>> GeometryType(geometry1).
>>>>> -- Andy
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>>>> -- 
>>>> Martin Davis
>>>> Senior Technical Architect
>>>> Refractions Research, Inc.
>>>> (250) 383-3022
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>> -- 
>> Martin Davis
>> Senior Technical Architect
>> Refractions Research, Inc.
>> (250) 383-3022
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Martin Davis
Senior Technical Architect
Refractions Research, Inc.
(250) 383-3022

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