[postgis-users] Buffer select from one layer to another?

Abram Gillespie abe.gillespie.lists at gmail.com
Wed Jun 11 13:28:16 PDT 2008

OK, this is very good to know.  We will have to update the zigGIS
codebase to the ST_* funcs since it currently binds to the deprecated

Thanks again, all!

zigGIS Team
Obtuse Software, http://www.obtusesoft.com

On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 3:41 PM, Paul Ramsey <pramsey at cleverelephant.ca> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 12:21 PM, Abram Gillespie
> <abe.gillespie.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
>> What's the difference between using st_* and other functions w/o the
>> st_ prefix.  For example, why is there both st_buffer() and buffer()?
> The non-st_* functions will be first deprecated and then removed in
> future versions, as we harmonize our function names with the ISO
> specification (and the other implementations).
> A handful of the st_* functions also implement implicit index calls,
> to remove the PostGIS-specific && syntax from SQL where possible
> (again, in the interests of interoperability).  The "auto-magic index"
> functions are ST_Intersects(), ST_Contains(), ST_Within(),
> ST_Touches(), ST_Crosses(), ST_CoveredBy(), ST_Covers(), ST_Overlaps()
> and ST_DWithin().
> P
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