[postgis-users] TIGER Help/Clarification

Stephen Frost sfrost at snowman.net
Tue Aug 4 16:39:26 PDT 2009

* Paragon Corporation (lr at pcorp.us) wrote:
> 4) Do you want all your state edges in one table or separated by county.
> When doing all state I tend to lump all the data in a state table and forget
> about county tables, unless a state is sufficiently big where breaking by
> county makes things a bit more bearable.

That's what I typically do as well.

> You might want to take a look at Stephen Frost's Tiger Geocoder for ideas or
> for a  way to geocode your contacts.  I recall he mentioning he has the data
> all as a single PostgreSQL dump already too.
> http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/135

I could produce a dump if someone wanted it.  I've also got a bunch of
scripts and whatnot for loading data.

> Perhaps Steve (if he is listening) can verify the status of it.  I don't
> have GIT client configured so can't tell.

Yes, he could certainly play with the geocoder and see if it can handle
his contact information.  I'd love any feedback on it..


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