[postgis-users] functions st_covers, st_coveredby, st_simplifypreservetopology does not exist

Paragon Corporation lr at pcorp.us
Mon Aug 24 02:13:46 PDT 2009


Sorry about that.  We don't have the comments.sql generation set to check
the version of GEOS.  That is on my todo.  Though ideally I would just
prefer that we make the required the minimum GEOS that can support all the
functions we include in a release, if nothing more than to avoid this

You could just remark out those lines and it will work fine. Actually it
should just skip over those errors anyway since they aren't in a

The comments file just loads helper information about each function so that
if you are browsing the functions via psql or PgAdmin III, you will see the
brief summary about each function and what its for.

Now why those parts fail is because with GEOS 2.2.3 you don't get those
functions.  Those functions were introduced in GEOS 3+

If you look at the docs for these you'll see GEOS >= 3...




If you can upgrade your GEOS,  I would highly suggest you do because there
are a lot of improvements (and bug fixes) in GEOS 3.1 that you are missing
with GEOS 2.2.3.

For example you won't be able to take benefit of the prepared geometry
enhancements and there are some bug fixes in 3.0+ that were not back-ported
to GEOS 2.2... I forget what those are exactly though.


-----Original Message-----
From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Pena
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 4:14 AM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] functions st_covers, st_coveredby,
st_simplifypreservetopology does not exist

Hi all,

My environment seems now be correct with Postgres 8.4, postgis 1.3.6 and
geos 2.2.3.
All script, except this postgis_comments.sql are loaded ok. I still got

psql -f postgis_comments.sql -Upostgres -d mydb

psql:postgis_comments.sql:291: ERROR:  function st_covers(geometry,
geometry) does not exist
psql:postgis_comments.sql:293: ERROR:  function st_coveredby(geometry,
geometry) does not exist
psql:postgis_comments.sql:381: ERROR:  function
st_simplifypreservetopology(geometry, double precision) does not exist

They are in comments which is not required, but I like to know, what am I

I seems, that I cannot post reply to thread - why and how to do it?
All of my reply's are new threads.


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