[postgis-users] Blurred text

Greg Williamson gwilliamson39 at yahoo.com
Sun May 3 15:38:51 PDT 2009

Bob --

I does in fact seem as if the postGIS site is having issues today ...

This is perhaps better directed at the mailing list(s) for the display tool you are using (Mapserver ? JUMP ? Other ?) as postGIS only provides data, not display capabilities.

You could try retrieving the X and Y coordinates and cast them to integers, something like:

X(point)::integer, Y(point)::integer ... cumbersome but it should trim off those decimal points.


Greg Williamson

From: Bob Pawley <rjpawley at shaw.ca>
To: PostGIS Users Discussion <postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net>
Sent: Sunday, May 3, 2009 2:10:03 PM
Subject: [postgis-users] Blurred text

My map has text some of which is 
>From researching I think the blurring may be 
because the point reference for the text includes a decimal.
I wouild like to test my theory but I haven't been 
able to discover how to either round off or truncate the decimal to a whole 
For instance after a st_translate the point astext 
is Point(16616.6124472887 165000). 
Is it possiblle to make the return Point(16616(or 
7) 165000)?
Is the Postgis reflections site down?

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