[postgis-users] Postgis upgrade

Mateusz Naskręt -GEOPOZ- mateusz.naskret at geopoz.poznan.pl
Fri May 22 06:41:39 PDT 2009

Mark Cave-Ayland pisze:
> Mateusz Naskręt -GEOPOZ- wrote:
>> So you think that best way is to make single dump for every
>> table/sequence ? How to do that if i have lots of tables (about 500),
>> views and sequences ? And how to dump user functions ?
> For such a large number of tables, no. I'd go for option 2.
>> I am not sure if my description in first email was clear enough. For
>> every function from list (and only them):
>>     public.asgml(geometry, integer, integer)
>>     public.asukml(geometry, integer, integer)
>>        public.asukml(geometry, integer)
>>        public.asukml(geometry)
>>        public.st_pointn(geometry)
>> i have same error:  missing "$libdir/liblwgeom.so.1.2". So something
>> like that:
>>   CREATE FUNCTION asgml(geometry, integer, integer) RETURNS text
>>      AS '$libdir/liblwgeom.so.1.2', 'LWGEOM_asGML'
>>    ERROR:  could not access file "$libdir/liblwgeom.so.1.2": No suchfile
>> or directory
>> I was looking to file lwpostgis.sql - and there are no such functions !
>> (asukml at all, asgm and st_pointn exist but with different arguments) .
> Hmmm are you sure that you've uninstalled PostGIS 1.2.x? Is there
> actually a liblwgeom.so.1.2 in the PostgreSQL lib directory?
>> Another question. Is there a way to check if my Postgis is ok after
>> upgrade ?
> No official way at the moment, other than running the regression tests.
> HTH,
> Mark.
> --
> Mark Cave-Ayland - Senior Technical Architect
> PostgreSQL - PostGIS
> Sirius Corporation plc - control through freedom
> http://www.siriusit.co.uk
> t: +44 870 608 0063
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> .

It is new server with postgis 1.3.5 installed so no possibilty to have 
liblwgeom.so.1.2 there.

In general i have allready made an upgrade and in very big log from 
upgrade exept this 6 functions everything looks fine.
About 10 persons is using this new DB now and till now no informatio 
about problems/errors.
So i am asking just to be sure if there may be problems in future.

I have created new empty DB and loaded there lwpostgis.sql. I have 
checked there and i haven't found there any of function mentioned above 
(this 6 with errors). So maybe  these are some old functions used in 
previous postgis version and are deprecated in current version ? What do 
you think ?

Mateusz Naskręt

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