[postgis-users] Jython, zxJDBC and PostGIS connection error

fmatz at nexgo.de fmatz at nexgo.de
Mon Nov 16 10:31:56 PST 2009


I am trying to connect with Jython 2.5.1 and zxJDBC on postgres/postgis with  :

from com.ziclix.python.sql import zxJDBC
connection1 = zxJDBC.connect('jdbc:postgresql//localhost:5432/template_postgis ', 'postgres', 'xxx', 'org.postgres.Driver')
print "connection1"

and the CLASSPATH is set to postgresql-8.4-701.jdbc3.jar .

I get the error:

"zxJDBC.DatabaseError: driver [org.postgres.Driver] not found"

and the CLASSPATH is set to postgresql-8.4-701.jdbc3.jar  .

I use the connections with Oracle and MySQL successfuly.

Please, what is wrong with the PostGIS connection ?

Many thanks

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