[postgis-users] ST_Transform

Paul & Caroline Lewis paulcaz80 at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 31 09:57:43 PDT 2010

  Broad general query re this function and 3D. It doesn't mention support for projections in 3D space so I'm wondering 2 things. First, is a coordinate transformation in 3D space realistic, i.e. should the Z (altitude) value change between a projection from an ellipsoidal WGS84 projection into a cartesian local coordinate system. In my case I have alot of 3D point geometries in WGS84 yet any projections with ST_Transform into any local coordinate system does not alter the Z value. Thus to my second question, if the Z should change in a projection from WGS84 to a planar local coordinate system will ST_Transform be able to do it in the future and/or is there another method available now where I can achieve a projection in 3D space.

Thanks again in advance,

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