[postgis-users] Union a very big Multipolygon table with self intersections
Simon Greener
simon at spatialdbadvisor.com
Fri Feb 5 18:17:11 PST 2010
How about something like this:
select id, ST_Union(ST_Accum(case when ST_IsValid(a.the_geom) = 't' then a.the_geom else st_buffer(a.the_geom,0) end) as the_geom
from (select id, the_geom
from <<table>>
where the_geom is not null
and geometrytype(the_geom) != 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION'
union all
SELECT gid, (ST_Dump(the_geom)).geom as the_geom
from <<table>>
where the_geom is not null
and geometrytype(the_geom) = 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION'
) as a;
The split based on GEOMETRYCOLLECTION is that when I first tested the STR indexed ST_Union I found that
performance was affectedif the union set includes an mpoly.
On Fri, 05 Feb 2010 19:44:51 +1100, ibrahim saricicek <ibrahimsaricicek at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi;
> create a new geometry column
> use update table set new_column=st_buffer(the_geom,0). IsValid will return
> true. Then try the union operation..
> IBO..
> On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 12:46 AM, Javier de la Torre
> <jatorre at vizzuality.com>wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a table with a MULTIPOLYGON field with around 100k records. Some of
>> these records, 2K have self intersections and other problems that make
>> ST_IsValid return false. The polygons overlap a lot and I wanted to generate
>> another table that will be the union of all polygons.
>> The table looks like
>> id, the_geom
>> What would be the best way to union all of the geometries into a new table
>> where there is only POLYGONS that do not overlap?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Javier.
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SpatialDB Advice and Design, Solutions Architecture and Programming,
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