[postgis-users] Postgis installation

Nicklas Avén nicklas.aven at jordogskog.no
Wed Jan 13 06:08:09 PST 2010

How do you mean it is working well?If you have all the spatial functionality working you most likely have :geometry_columns andspatial_ref _sys table
in your public schema. But as I understood you, you have installed PostGIS with stackbuilder but without creating the template-database. Then all nessecary dll-files and sql-scrips is installed, but the database is not spatially enabled. And that can be done as I described in last mail. That have to be done for each new database that you want to use spatial functionality in. The difference if you had installed the template database is that then you could have spatially enabled a new database by using db postgis as template. SoDo you have a functional database with spatial functionality eg st_distance, st_union and so on? or have you "only" installed postgis in the server, yet. /Nicklas 
2010-01-13 Oscar Zamudio wrote:

Thanks Nicklas,>
Maybe I did not expressed my questions very well. I already have a database with PostGIS enabled and I am working well with it. I installed PostGIS 1.3.6 in PostgreSQL as I mentioned using the App. Stack Builder. >
My problem is that now I want to check some PostGIS features as Reference systems because I need to measure distances etc.. As I'm reading the manuals, I learned about the existence of a SPATIAL_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS table (or example) that I didn't find in my installation nor in my customer installation. I used to see in another installation a database with the name "postgis" so I thought that maybe in that database (that I guess is a master database for PostGIS extension) I would find the tables that mention hte manuals. >
As I made a mistake in the original installation of PostGIS (didn't check the creation of "postgis" database) I want to reinstall it and this time check that option. How can I make this reinstallation and more important: can I do this without affecting my own PostGIS enabled database I already created in PosgreSQL? >
I certainly cannot update now to the last version of PostgreSQL and PostGIS because my customer use this configuration and I don't want to push them now to make these changes.>
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 10:33 AM, Nicklas Avén <nicklas.aven at jordogskog.no> wrote:
> >
Hallo Oscar > >You can spatially enable any database by loading and running >lwpostgis.sql>and>spatial_ref_sys.sql> >for instance in pgAdmin> >I think that's the right name of the files for your version and you can find them in :>C:\Program files\PostgreSQL\8.3\share\contrib>or something corresponing on your system.>Probably you will have to remove the lines with "vacuum" in the spatial_ref_sys.sql before running. That issue shoud be fixed in upcoming PostGIS 1.5> >But if you have the possibility you probably want to upgrade both database and postgis. Latest stable now is>PostgreSQL 8.4.2 and PostGIS 1.4. Hopefully in a couple of weeks PostGIS 1.5 will be released.> >Hope that helps>Nicklas>

> 2010-01-13 Oscar Zamudio wrote:
> Hi everybody. I'm a newbie and trying to use PostGIS with PostgreSQL in Windows. I installed PostgreSQL 8.3 and also PostGIS 1.3.6 using the Application Stack Builder. Spatial queries are working fine but I have some doubts about the PostGIS configuration. Where can I find the SPATIAL_REF_SYS Table for example, or the GEOMETRY_COLUMNS table? At the time I was installing the PostGIS extension I didn't check the creation of a postgis database. I guess postgis database contains the tables that I'm looking for. Am I wrong? >>
I was thinking in reinstall the PostGIS 1.3.6 and create the postgis database but I don't know how, as the Application Stack Builder doesn't allow me to do that. Can anybody help me? Thanks in advance
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