[postgis-users] Spatial queries using @ operator

Paragon Corporation lr at pcorp.us
Fri Sep 17 14:57:17 PDT 2010

SELECT zone.* 
FROM  zone 
    INNER JOIN (SELECT geometry FROM othertable WHERE id=1) AS b
      ON ST_Intersects(zone.geometry, b.geometry);
Also make sure you have a spatial index in place on your geometry fields
 <http://www.postgis.us> http://www.postgis.us


From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Gastón
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2010 4:44 PM
To: postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net
Subject: [postgis-users] Spatial queries using @ operator

Hello,i´m from argentina, so excuse my english. 
My problem is i have a table with 500000 record,polygons and points type and
i have to find objects which intersects with an boundary in particular

Example of ,my query
select * from zone where  geometry @ (select geometry from othertable where

My table definition:
  zoneid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('zonas_id_seq'::regclass),
  "name" text,
  buffer integer,
  description text,
  layerid integer,
  geometry geometry,
  color integer,
  CONSTRAINT zone_pk PRIMARY KEY (zoneid),
  CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_geometry CHECK (st_ndims(geometry) = 2),
  CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_geometry CHECK (st_srid(geometry) = 4326)
ALTER TABLE "zone" OWNER TO postgres;

-- Index: idx_zone_geometry

-- DROP INDEX idx_zone_geometry;

CREATE INDEX idx_zone_geometry
  ON "zone"
  USING gist

-- Index: idx_zone_zoneid

-- DROP INDEX idx_zone_zoneid;

CREATE INDEX idx_zone_zoneid
  ON "zone"
  USING btree

I  have test of differents ways to accelerate my query with other functions
like st_distance,st_dwithin,etc
but do not know which to use



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