[postgis-users] raster output

Stephen Crawford src176 at psu.edu
Wed Dec 21 07:50:56 PST 2011

Thanks for getting back to me.  I want to do something like #3, but I 
just don't understand the work flow.  I have raw data as a one band 
raster in postGIS, and the (seemingly) simple thing i would like to do 
is output the entire table as a  jpg or png with the cells classified by 
color.  I see references to "color tables" and "palettes".  I can't seem 
to figure out where I can define "if cell val < 0.5, color = 0, 0, 255" etc.


On 12/20/2011 6:13 PM, Paragon Corporation wrote:
> 3) You can use gdal_translate (compiled with PostgreSQL support) to output a
> postgis raster query.

Stephen Crawford
Center for Environmental Informatics
The Pennsylvania State University

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