[postgis-users] datatype question in postgis

Robert Buckley robertdbuckley at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 9 10:47:12 PST 2011


I have a project on my desktop gis which I would like to transfer to the web and 
offer as a map service. Currently the project consists of around 90 layers (all 
shps) -points/lines and polygons.

If I serve them through postgresql into geoserver should I keep the data 
structure as it is, or should I combine all polygons to one shp -all polylines 
into one shp and points to one shp and then import into three different postgis 
tables? what are the implications for serving my data? 

Is it quicker to serve fewer larger tables or many smaller tables? Is there a 
geometry type which takes all geometries(ie points,lines and polygons)? so that 
I could serve all my data from one table?...obviously the symbology of 90 
classes would make the sld file slightly worrying, but would this be better that 
having 90 separate sld´s?

thanks for any tips,


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