[postgis-users] Help for my error when I install Postgis

Sylvain Racine syracine at sympatico.ca
Mon May 16 14:36:40 PDT 2011

On 16/05/2011 13:50, René Riech wrote:
> On Mon, 16 May 2011 19:23:15 +0200, truongxuan quang 
> <truongxuanquang at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Dear list
>> I face with some problem in installation PostgreSQL 8.3 on winXP , 
>> long time
>> before I use PostgreSQL and PostGIS for managing shape file data. 
>> Last week I
>> tried to install PostgreSQL 8.4, after that I remove PostgreSQL 8.3 
>> (I only
>> uninstalled inside windows control panel/add and then I delete all 
>> folder inside
>> window programs) and I reinstall PostgreSQL 8.4, and problem was 
>> starting happen
>> from this step, until now, I could not connect data by my user and 
>> password or
>> start PostgreSQL8.4 service from Administrative Tools . Even I tried to
>> uninstall and reinstall for at least 20 times, delete folder, remove
>> user/password on Administrative Tools.
Hi Truongxuan,

When you installed PostgreSQL in Windows, the installer have been 
created a Windows account named "postgres" with the password you gave. 
If you uninstall PostgreSQL, I think that this Windows account is yet 
alive. Thence, if you reinstall a new PostgreSQL installation, you have 
to give the same password to postgres user, else you won't be able to 
start the PostgreSQL service and then, connect to the database.

If you didn't remember the password of your postgres Windows account, 
try to delete this account as Administrator in your Windows Control 
Panel first before reinstalling your new PostgreSQL installation.

Hope it will be useful

Sylvain Racine

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