[postgis-users] Typmod and triggers

Jose Carlos Martinez jomarlla at cgf.upv.es
Wed Nov 23 01:31:22 PST 2011

Thanks Regina, Robe and Paul as usual you answer fast and giving us a 
lot of information.
I will be checking out the ticket to know the status of this bug.

To know it is working with geography type let me get rid of some fear 
about if it was a PostgreSQL issue.
As Regina said we can use still check constraints with PostGIS 2 but 
hope just as a temporary solution :)


On 23/11/2011 2:43, Paragon Corporation wrote:
> Jose,
> slight omission in my last
>> -- to put back constraints on it --
>> SELECT populate_geometry_columns('a'::regclass);
> I forgot that use type mod is the default now -- so the above should be
> SELECT populate_geometry_columns('a'::regclass, false);
> To force it to constrain the geometry using constraints instead of typmod.
>   Hope that helps,
>   Regina
>   http://www.postgis.us
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