[postgis-users] POSTGIS: bad lexical cast: source type value could not be interpreted as target

Felix.Villanueva felix.villanueva at uclm.es
Wed Jan 25 12:18:43 PST 2012

Hi, I'm using PostGIS for paint with mapnik some positioning events, I
successfully renderized some maps but when I try to render others I get:

PostGIS: warning: could not determine extent from query: select
xmin(ext),ymin(ext),xmax(ext),ymax(ext) from (select extent(pos) as ext
from rfid) as tmp Error was: 'bad lexical cast: source type value could
not be interpreted as target'

the table rfid is created:

    rfid varchar(100) PRIMARY KEY,
    time bigint

SELECT AddGeometryColumn('rfid', 'pos', -1, 'GEOMETRY', 2);

And an example of the event which I want to render would be inserted by
mean a SQL like this: INSERT INTO rfid (rfid, time, pos) VALUES
('UserID', 1327337692, ST_GeomFromEWKT('POINT(60.0 29.0)'))

It seems that the insertion in the database is ok, the trigger
associated originates an update in my application (I build a Cairo
Image) but when a I try to make a mapnik.render the mentioned error
appear and nothing is painted.

I'm using debian with PostGIS 1.5 and mapnik 0.7

Any idea?

Thanks in advance.

Dr. Félix Jesús Villanueva Molina
Associate Professor
School of Computer Science
Paseo de la Universidad, 4
13071 Ciudad Real (Spain)

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