[postgis-users] Help with PL/PGSQL!

Gregory Kramida algomorph at gmail.com
Mon Jul 30 12:04:42 PDT 2012

If you're sure you're in a database based on the PostGIS template, I'd 
try putting the schema name in front of the function name, i.e. 
"public.ST_Within(...", see if that's the issue.

-Greg Kramida

On 7/30/2012 2:32 PM, Eric Aspengren wrote:
> So, I've got this PL/PGSQL script that doesn't want to work. I've got 
> the TIGER geocoder up and running and I can get whatever I want from 
> that. However, when I try and combine ST_Within with the output from 
> GEOCODE I get an error. I assume there's a simple syntax error here, 
> but I can't figure it out. I've been able to get this to work when 
> just cutting and pasting the actual geometry data into where 
> "geocoded" is below, but replacing it with the variable name gives me 
> an error (sldu is a table with Senate districts and sldust is the 
> district number column):
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_district(address text)
>     RETURNS text AS
> $$
>     district RECORD;
>     geocoded RECORD;
>     SELECT geomout into geocoded from geocode(address) as g;
>     SELECT sldust from sldu into district where ST_Within(geocoded, 
> the_geom);
>     return district;
> END;
> $$
> geocoder=# select get_district('1700 C St Lincoln, NE');
> ERROR:  function st_within(record, geometry) does not exist
> LINE 1: SELECT sldust from sldu where ST_Within( $1 , the_geom)
>                                       ^
> HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You 
> might need to add explicit type casts.
> QUERY:  SELECT sldust from sldu where ST_Within( $1 , the_geom)
> CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "get_district" line 6 at SQL statement
> -- 
> Eric Aspengren
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