[postgis-users] PostGIS 2.0 instalation problem

wobo mcwobo at hotmail.com
Sat May 5 15:05:05 PDT 2012

I re-installed postgreSQL (which works fine), then tried to install PostGIS
2.0 using the Stack Builder but yet again it throws the could not load
library error. I'm also confident that all the required files are in the
correct directories. 

In another thread I read about people having to delete old geos library
files in order to get PostGIS up and running. Since I installed several open
source GIS packages in the past I was wondering if one of these might be
causing the problem. Is there a way to check the GDAL, GEOS and PROJ version
being used? libgeos, libgdal and libproj are all in the PGBIN but maybe some
old versions are interfering, and if so then which ones..? Is there an easy
way to check this?

I also read people got rid of the error running ldconfig but I guess that's
a Linux command, is there a way to do this in Windows?

Meanwhile, the quest continues.

View this message in context: http://postgis.17.n6.nabble.com/PostGIS-2-0-instalation-problem-tp4624902p4955146.html
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