[postgis-users] Invalid endian flag value encountered on Postgis 2.0.1, Postgres 9.x, Windows XP

Václav Řehák rehakv01 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 19 05:46:42 PDT 2012


I upgraded my development machine to Postgres 9.2 with Postgis 2.0.1
installed by the stack builder on Windows XP 32bit. My Django
application started to fail on a particular query which I nailed down
to the following problem:

select ST_GeomFromEWKB('\\001\\001\\000\\000

ERROR: Invalid endian flag value encountered.
SQL state: XX000

The upgrade was performed by creating new db in PgAdmin using
template_postgis_20 and restoring from a backup with

I kept my previous Postgis 1.5.3 in Postgres 8.4 running on a
different port so I can test that the same WKB works there:

select st_astext(ST_GeomFromEWKB('\\001\\001\\000\\000

"POINT(-781141 -985772)"

which is correct (in S-JTSK projection, SRID 102067).

I also tried Postgres 9.1 with both Postgis 1.5.5 and 2.0.1 but I
still get the endian error so I'm suspicious it has something to do
with Postgres version rather than Postgis.

Do you know how to check if the EWKB is correct? And what to check in
my Postgres setup?



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