[postgis-users] Finding closet intersect point along direction of line

Simon Greener simon at spatialdbadvisor.com
Wed Apr 10 00:11:47 PDT 2013


Below is a function that I found on the web that should do what you want.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_Extend(eje_ geometry, bound_ geometry)
RETURNS geometry
AS $$
-- Use Case: I need to "extend" a linestring in another one. The new linestring must be
-- obtained such as their new extremes are the intersection of it with a
-- polygon that contains it. The original linestring is composed of only a
-- linear segment.
-- version: alfa , by Julio A. Galindo, April 17, 2007: juliogalindoq at gmail.com
      b_ geometry = boundary(bound_);
      dist float;
      max_dist float = 0;
      n_points int;
      pto_1 geometry;
      pto_2 geometry;
      first_pto geometry;
      last_pto geometry;
      u_1 float;
      u_2 float;
      norm float;
      result text = 'LINESTRING(';
      IF ( GeometryType(eje_)   NOT LIKE 'LINESTRING' OR
           GeometryType(bound_) NOT LIKE 'POLYGON' THEN
         RETURN NULL;
      END IF;
      -- First Search how far is the boundary: (worst case)
      pto_1 := StartPoint(eje_);
      pto_2 := EndPoint(eje_);
      FOR i IN 1..NumPoints(b_)-1 LOOP
         dist := distance(PointN(b_,i),pto_1);
         IF dist > max_dist THEN max_dist := dist; END IF;
            max_dist := dist;
         END IF;
         dist := distance(PointN(b_,i),pto_2);
         IF dist > max_dist THEN max_dist := dist; END IF;
            max_dist := dist;
         END IF;
      END LOOP;
      -- Now extent the linestring:
      pto_2 := PointN(eje_,2);
      u_1 := X(pto_2)-X(pto_1);
      u_2 := Y(pto_2)-Y(pto_1);
      norm := sqrt(u_1^2 + u_2^2);
      first_pto := MakePoint(X(pto_1)-u_1/norm*dist,Y(pto_1)-u_2/norm*dist);
      n_points := nPoints(eje_);
      IF n_points > 2 THEN
         pto_1 := PointN(eje_,n_points-1);
         pto_2 := PointN(eje_,n_points);
         u_1   := X(pto_2)-X(pto_1);
         u_2   := Y(pto_2)-Y(pto_1);
         norm  := sqrt(u_1^2 + u_2^2);
      END IF;
      last_pto := MakePoint(X(pto_2)+u_1/norm*dist,Y(pto_2)+u_2/norm*dist);
      result   := result || X(first_pto) || ' ' || Y(first_pto) || ',';
      FOR i IN 1..NumPoints(eje_) LOOP
          result := result || X(PointN(eje_,i)) || ' ' || Y(PointN(eje_,i)) || ',';
      END LOOP;
      result := result || X(last_pto) || ' ' || Y(last_pto) || ')';
      -- Find the final Linestring:
      b_ := intersection(GeomFromText(result,SRID(eje_)),bound_);
      RETURN b_;
  END $$
  LANGUAGE plpgsql

-- Test 1:
select asText(extendLine(geomFromText('LINESTRING(5 5, 12 12)',-1),GeomFromText('POLYGON((0 0,15 0,15 20,0 20,0 0))',-1)));

select asText(extendLine(geomFromText('LINESTRING(5 5, 12 12, 13 12)',-1),GeomFromText('POLYGON((0 0,15 0,15 20,0 20,0 0))',-1)));


On Wed, 10 Apr 2013 15:34:04 +1000, <adrian.kitchingman at dse.vic.gov.au> wrote:

> Hi All
> I'm looking to see if anyone has a PostGIS
> solution to finding the closest point on another polyline to a line end
> point along the line's azimuth. The picture attached shows what I'm looking
> for. For end point A the usual closest point is B but I want C. The picture
> shows a polygon but I expect a conversion to polyline to get points on
> the edge.
> Cheers
> Adrian
> Using: PostGIS 2.0 on PostgreSQL 9.2,
> Windows 7
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