April 2013 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Apr 2 13:25:51 PDT 2013
Ending: Tue Apr 30 16:24:28 PDT 2013
Messages: 142
- [postgis-users] postgis restore using pg_dump and/or postgis_restore.pl
Birchall, Austen
- [postgis-users] LiDAR data mangement system with PostGIS
Kjartan Bjørset
- [postgis-users] Ubuntu 12.04 Postgresql 9.2 Postgis 2.0+ is OK?
Alex Borrell
- [postgis-users] How/where does postgis hook a callback to free cached geos structures?
Mark Cave-Ayland
- [postgis-users] How/where does postgis hook a callback to free cached geos structures?
Mark Cave-Ayland
- [postgis-users] Vote: PAGC address standardizer in extras
Paragon Corporation
- [postgis-users] unique id in QGIS/PostGIS
Paragon Corporation
- [postgis-users] unique id in QGIS/PostGIS
Paragon Corporation
- [postgis-users] Who is amin of PostGIS Planet?
Paragon Corporation
- [postgis-users] How/where does postgis hook a callback to free cached geos structures?
Paragon Corporation
- [postgis-users] How/where does postgis hook a callback to free cached geos structures?
Paragon Corporation
- [postgis-users] Bug in postgis/lwgeom_geos_prepared.c
Paragon Corporation
- [postgis-users] geocoding is very slow
Paragon Corporation
- [postgis-users] geocoding is very slow
Paragon Corporation
- [postgis-users] Query to find all stops surrounding 1 stop and turn it into a concave hull polygon geometry
Paragon Corporation
- [postgis-users] Incorrect Address Normalization
Paragon Corporation
- [postgis-users] FW: [postgis-devel] Updates to address standardizer
Paragon Corporation
- [postgis-users] unique id in QGIS/PostGIS
Paolo Corti
- [postgis-users] FOSSGIS Konferenz 2013 programm is online - Early Bird Registration closes on the 30th of April
Astrid Emde
- [postgis-users] Applying symbology to a raster
David Fawcett
- [postgis-users] Cut lat/lon to six decimal digits
David Fawcett
- [postgis-users] postgis v. google
Martin Feuchtwanger
- [postgis-users] Cut lat/lon to six decimal digits
Martin Feuchtwanger
- [postgis-users] How to perform st_PixelAsPolygon(rast, geom) ?
Hugues François
- [postgis-users] How to perform st_PixelAsPolygon(rast, geom) ?
Hugues François
- [postgis-users] Cut lat/lon to six decimal digits
Hugues François
- [postgis-users] Cut lat/lon to six decimal digits
Hugues François
- [postgis-users] Nearest Neighbor on Large Datasets
Spencer Gardner
- [postgis-users] Nearest Neighbor on Large Datasets
Spencer Gardner
- [postgis-users] Nearest Neighbor on Large Datasets
Spencer Gardner
- [postgis-users] Issue with unreasonable memory usage when analyzing table of geometry type
Peter Geoghegan
- [postgis-users] Issue with unreasonable memory usage when analyzing table of geometry type
Peter Geoghegan
- [postgis-users] Issue with unreasonable memory usage when analyzing table of geometry type
Peter Geoghegan
- [postgis-users] can postgis_restore.pl Create OR Replace function?
Gold, Jack L (US SSA)
- [postgis-users] can postgis_restore.pl Create OR Replace function?
Gold, Jack L (US SSA)
- [postgis-users] Finding closet intersect point along direction of line
Simon Greener
- [postgis-users] Finding closet intersect point along direction of line
Simon Greener
- [postgis-users] unique id in QGIS/PostGIS
Richard Greenwood
- [postgis-users] Import CSV (was: Noob question with shp2pgsql)
Richard Greenwood
- [postgis-users] Import CSV (was: Noob question with shp2pgsql)
Nathan Hemenway
- [postgis-users] Cut lat/lon to six decimal digits
Carsten Hogertz
- [postgis-users] Cut lat/lon to six decimal digits
Carsten Hogertz
- [postgis-users] Cut lat/lon to six decimal digits
Carsten Hogertz
- [postgis-users] Query to find all stops surrounding 1 stop and turn it into a concave hull polygon geometry
- [postgis-users] Query to find all stops surrounding 1 stop and turn it into a concave hull polygon geometry
- [postgis-users] FOSSGIS 2013, 12.-14. June, Rapperswil: Keynotes ready!
Stefan Keller
- [postgis-users] Applying symbology to a raster
- [postgis-users] Noob question with shp2pgsql
Jeff Lake
- [postgis-users] participants near Baltimore?
Andrew Libby
- [postgis-users] Downgrade from PostGIS2.0 to PostGIS1.5
Worth Lutz
- [postgis-users] Downgrade from PostGIS2.0 to PostGIS1.5
Worth Lutz
- [postgis-users] from EWKB to WKB
Worth Lutz
- [postgis-users] Import CSV (was: Noob question with shp2pgsql)
- [postgis-users] How to transform point data to 2-dims array for use in ST_SetValues
Gis Mage
- [postgis-users] postgis-users Digest, Vol 134, Issue 4
Langen Mallya
- [postgis-users] unique id in QGIS/PostGIS
Stephen Mather
- [postgis-users] Best practices for PostGIS raster query and processing from web app
Tim Meehan
- [postgis-users] Best practices for PostGIS raster query and processing from web app
Tim Meehan
- [postgis-users] participants near Baltimore?
Jim Mlodgenski
- [postgis-users] How to transform point data to 2-dims array for use in ST_SetValues
Bborie Park
- [postgis-users] Vote: PAGC address standardizer in extras
Bborie Park
- [postgis-users] geocoding is very slow
Shawn Peterson
- [postgis-users] geocoding is very slow
Shawn Peterson
- [postgis-users] geocoding is very slow
Shawn Peterson
- [postgis-users] Incorrect Address Parsing
Shawn Peterson
- [postgis-users] Incorrect Address Normalization
Shawn Peterson
- [postgis-users] Incorrect Address Normalization
Shawn Peterson
- [postgis-users] pgsql2shp using java ProcessBuilder
Lelo - Luiz Rogério De Pieri
- [postgis-users] pgsql2shp using java ProcessBuilder
Lelo - Luiz Rogério De Pieri
- [postgis-users] Downgrade from PostGIS2.0 to PostGIS1.5
Lelo - Luiz Rogério De Pieri
- [postgis-users] Ubuntu 12.04 Postgresql 9.2 Postgis 2.0+ is OK?
Filipe Ravagnã Piga
- [postgis-users] Applying symbology to a raster
Pierre Racine
- [postgis-users] How to perform st_PixelAsPolygon(rast, geom) ?
Pierre Racine
- [postgis-users] Nearest Neighbor on Large Datasets
Pierre Racine
- [postgis-users] Nearest Neighbor on Large Datasets
Pierre Racine
- [postgis-users] Best practices for PostGIS raster query and processing from web app
Pierre Racine
- [postgis-users] Best practices for PostGIS raster query and processing from web app
Pierre Racine
- [postgis-users] Create a new raster
Pierre Racine
- [postgis-users] How/where does postgis hook a callback to free cached geos structures?
Paul Ramsey
- [postgis-users] How/where does postgis hook a callback to free cached geos structures?
Paul Ramsey
- [postgis-users] Splitting a table of Linestrings by a table of points, using linear referencing functions
Nicolas Ribot
- [postgis-users] Ubuntu 12.04 Postgresql 9.2 Postgis 2.0+ is OK?
Tumasgiu Rossini
- [postgis-users] unique id in QGIS/PostGIS
Margie Roswell
- [postgis-users] unique id in QGIS/PostGIS
Margie Roswell
- [postgis-users] unique id in QGIS/PostGIS
Margie Roswell
- [postgis-users] unique id in QGIS/PostGIS
Margie Roswell
- [postgis-users] unique id in QGIS/PostGIS
Margie Roswell
- [postgis-users] participants near Baltimore?
Margie Roswell
- [postgis-users] unique id in QGIS/PostGIS
Margie Roswell
- [postgis-users] how to refresh postgis layer in QGIS?
Margie Roswell
- [postgis-users] unique id in QGIS/PostGIS
Margie Roswell
- [postgis-users] Import CSV (was: Noob question with shp2pgsql)
Margie Roswell
- [postgis-users] unique id in QGIS/PostGIS
Marjorie Roswell
- [postgis-users] from EWKB to WKB
Denis Rouzaud
- [postgis-users] from EWKB to WKB
Denis Rouzaud
- [postgis-users] Who is amin of PostGIS Planet?
Saka Royban
- [postgis-users] Who is amin of PostGIS Planet?
Saka Royban
- [postgis-users] Fw: Who is amin of PostGIS Planet?
Saka Royban
- [postgis-users] Noob question with shp2pgsql
David Rush
- [postgis-users] Noob question with shp2pgsql
David Rush
- [postgis-users] Extended dat type in PostGIS.
Michael Sacauskis
- [postgis-users] Issue with unreasonable memory usage when analyzing table of geometry type
Sandro Santilli
- [postgis-users] Issue with unreasonable memory usage when analyzing table of geometry type
Sandro Santilli
- [postgis-users] Issue with unreasonable memory usage when analyzing table of geometry type
Sandro Santilli
- [postgis-users] Issue with unreasonable memory usage when analyzing table of geometry type
Sandro Santilli
- [postgis-users] can postgis_restore.pl Create OR Replace function?
Sandro Santilli
- [postgis-users] Possible topology bug
Sandro Santilli
- [postgis-users] how to refresh postgis layer in QGIS?
José Pedro Santos
- [postgis-users] postgis restore using pg_dump and/or postgis_restore.pl
Micha Silver
- [postgis-users] pgsql2shp using java ProcessBuilder
James David Smith
- [postgis-users] Create a new raster
Amin Tayyebi
- [postgis-users] Ubuntu 12.04 Postgresql 9.2 Postgis 2.0+ is OK?
Mike Toews
- [postgis-users] from EWKB to WKB
Mike Toews
- [postgis-users] from EWKB to WKB
Mike Toews
- [postgis-users] PostGIS 2.0 Topology
Christophe Vergon
- [postgis-users] Applying symbology to a raster
Pietro Wadeci
- [postgis-users] unique id in QGIS/PostGIS
Greg Williamson
- [postgis-users] unique id in QGIS/PostGIS
Greg Williamson
- [postgis-users] Vote: PAGC address standardizer in extras
Stephen Woodbridge
- [postgis-users] How/where does postgis hook a callback to free cached geos structures?
Stephen Woodbridge
- [postgis-users] How/where does postgis hook a callback to free cached geos structures?
Stephen Woodbridge
- [postgis-users] How/where does postgis hook a callback to free cached geos structures?
Stephen Woodbridge
- [postgis-users] Bug in postgis/lwgeom_geos_prepared.c
Stephen Woodbridge
- [postgis-users] Bug in postgis/lwgeom_geos_prepared.c
Stephen Woodbridge
- [postgis-users] postgis v. google
zach cruise
- [postgis-users] Finding closet intersect point along direction of line
adrian.kitchingman at dse.vic.gov.au
- [postgis-users] Finding closet intersect point along direction of line
adrian.kitchingman at dse.vic.gov.au
- [postgis-users] Extended dat type in PostGIS.
- [postgis-users] grouing points on a grid
toni hernández
- [postgis-users] Downgrade from PostGIS2.0 to PostGIS1.5
- [postgis-users] Downgrade from PostGIS2.0 to PostGIS1.5
- [postgis-users] Downgrade from PostGIS2.0 to PostGIS1.5
- [postgis-users] postgis v. google
pcreso at pcreso.com
- [postgis-users] unique id in QGIS/PostGIS
pcreso at pcreso.com
- [postgis-users] unique id in QGIS/PostGIS
pcreso at pcreso.com
- [postgis-users] unique id in QGIS/PostGIS
pcreso at pcreso.com
- [postgis-users] unique id in QGIS/PostGIS
pcreso at pcreso.com
- [postgis-users] Noob question with shp2pgsql
pcreso at pcreso.com
- [postgis-users] Import CSV (was: Noob question with shp2pgsql)
pcreso at pcreso.com
- [postgis-users] Cut lat/lon to six decimal digits
pcreso at pcreso.com
- [postgis-users] Possible topology bug
pcreso at pcreso.com
- [postgis-users] org.postgresql.util.PGobject cannot be cast to org.postgis.PGgeometry
heidew8el at t-online.de
Last message date:
Tue Apr 30 16:24:28 PDT 2013
Archived on: Tue Apr 30 16:24:31 PDT 2013
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).