[postgis-users] Need a method for "noding" a street network

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Wed May 8 12:01:41 PDT 2013

Hi Nicolas,

Wow! thank you for an excellent example. This is very help. Since I want 
this to work on pg 8.4+, I'll convert this into a stored procedure since 
I can't use CTE subqueries.

Now I have some work cut out to do on this. :)

Thanks again,

On 5/8/2013 2:39 PM, Nicolas Ribot wrote:
> Hi Stephen,
> Building a topology would definitively help in this situation, though it
> may take some time on very large dataset I guess.
> If you plan to use some topological functions on the dataset in addition
> with pgRouting functions, it may be worth the effort.
> Concerning st_union and its magic "segmentize" feature, would it be
> possible to divide the initial set of lines into smaller areas and
> process these subsets to avoid filling up the memory ?
> Looking at this subject recently (cutting lines by points, cf.
> http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/wiki/UsersWikiSplitPolygonWithPoints) I
> found that linear referencing functions can help in such a case.
> The principle is to get the location index of intersection points for
> each line, and then to cut this line by its locations, using
> st_line_substring.
> It appears to be very efficient, using st_dwithin to trigger spatial
> index, then joining on the lines primary keys, which should be fast.
> In your usecase, intersection nodes between lines have to be identified
> before their locations can be computed.
> Concerning the tolerance, I'm pretty sure snapping the input dataset to
> a grid would help to run a precise st_intersection between lines.
> Based on the linestring sample data, here is  the query using linear
> referencing. It uses CTE subqueries to identify each step:
> with lines as (
>          select 1 as gid, 'MULTILINESTRING((0 1,2 1))'::geometry as geom
>          union all
>          select 2 as gid, 'MULTILINESTRING((1 0,1 2))'::geometry as geom
>          union all
>          select 3 as gid, 'LINESTRING(1 1.5,2 2)'::geometry as geom
> ),
> -- multilinestrings are dumped into simple objects
> -- if multilinestrings have several parts, one should generate a unique
> id based
> -- on their gid and path into the collection.
> dumped_lines as (
> select gid, (st_dump(l.geom)).geom
> from lines l
> ),
> -- This query computes the locations, for each input line, of the
> intersection points with other lines.
> -- this will be used to cut lines based on these locations.
> -- to be able to cut lines from their beginning to their end, we
> generate the 0 and 1 location index
> cut_locations as (
> select l1.gid as lgid, st_line_locate_point(l1.geom,
> st_intersection(l1.geom, l2.geom)) as locus
> from dumped_lines l1 join dumped_lines l2 on (st_dwithin(l1.geom,
> l2.geom, 0.01))
> where l1.gid <> l2.gid
> -- then generates start and end locus for each line, to be able to cut them
> select l.gid as lgid, 0 as locus
> from dumped_lines l
> select l.gid as lgid, 1 as locus
> from dumped_lines l
> order by lgid, locus
> ),
> -- This query generates a row_number index column for each input line
> and intersection point.
> -- This index will be used to self-join the table to cut a line between
> two consecutive locations
> -- (idx, idx+1) pairs.
> -- window function is used to generate the index inside each line partition
> loc_with_idx as (
> select lgid, locus, row_number() over (partition by lgid order by locus)
> as idx
> from cut_locations
> )
> -- finally, each original line is cut with consecutive locations using
> linear referencing function.
> -- a filtering is done to eliminate points produced when lines connect
> at their ends
> select l.gid, loc1.idx as sub_id, st_line_substring(l.geom, loc1.locus,
> loc2.locus) as geom ,
> st_geometryType(st_line_substring(l.geom, loc1.locus, loc2.locus)) as type
> from loc_with_idx loc1 join loc_with_idx loc2 using (lgid) join
> dumped_lines l on (l.gid = loc1.lgid)
> where loc2.idx = loc1.idx+1
> -- filter out point geometries occuring if intersection point is at
> line's start or end point.
> -- there must be a faster way to filter out theses geometries.
> and st_geometryType(st_line_substring(l.geom, loc1.locus, loc2.locus))
> <> 'ST_Point';
> A new unique ID key can be computed based on line gid and subgid
> generated by the query.
> Initial line attributes can be moved to the new segments using the line
> gid key.
> Nicolas
> On 8 May 2013 16:27, Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com
> <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.com>> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     This question comes up reasonably often on the pgRouting list and
>     has been posted he on occasion under titles like "How to break
>     streets at intersections?"
>     It seems to me that this would be a good function to create in
>     either postgis or pgrouting.
>     I have a table of 10's of thousands of street segments to 10's of
>     millions of street segments. These street segments are LINSTRING or
>     MULTILINESTRING geometries with some arbitrary number of attribute
>     columns. The geometries may cross one another and are not noded
>     correctly for use with pgRouting.
>     We want to process the table and create a new table with the same
>     structure (see comment about primary key below), and in the new
>     table all the geometries are broken at intersections and all the new
>     pieces of the original segment that have been broken have the
>     original attributes propagated to them. So if the original segment
>     has column foo='abc' and was split into 3 new segments, each of the
>     three new segments would also have foo='abc'. The exception to this
>     might be that the new table needs a new primary column as the old
>     primary key will now be duplicated for the multiple parts.
>     1. I think one way to do this would be to create a topology and load
>     the table into it, then extra a new table from the topology.
>     Although I'm not sure of the specifics for doing this or the
>     efficency of doing it this way.
>     2. Another way seems to be using a query like:
>     select (st_dump(bar.the_geom)).* from (
>          select st_union(foo.the_geom) as the_geom from mytable foo
>     ) as bar;
>     And then taking each of the dump.geom objects and using st_contains
>     to find which original segment it belonged to so we can move the
>     attributes to the new segment. This method also loose any
>     association to the original record and forces the use of st_contains
>     to re-associate the new segments to the original segments.
>     My concern with this is that the st_union has to load the whole
>     table which may be 10's of millions of street segments and this will
>     likely be a memory problem. Also running the st_contains() does not
>     seems to me to be optimal.
>     3. Is there a good recipe for doing this somewhere that I have not
>     found? or other better approaches to this problem?
>     What would be the best way to add tolerance to the problem? using
>     snap to grid?
>     Thoughts on how to do this efficiently?
>     Since I'm working on the pgRouting 2.0 release I thought this might
>     be a nice function to add to that if we can come up with a generic
>     way to do this.
>     Thanks,
>        -Steve
>     -- Example to demonstrate st_union above
>     select st_astext((st_dump(bar.the___geom)).geom) from (
>          select st_union(foo.the_geom) as the_geom from (
>              select 'MULTILINESTRING((0 1,2 1))'::geometry as the_geom
>              union all
>              select 'MULTILINESTRING((1 0,1 2))'::geometry as the_geom
>              union all
>              select 'LINESTRING(1 1.5,2 2)'::geometry as the_geom
>              ) as foo
>          ) as bar;
>     "LINESTRING(1 1.5,2 2)"
>     "LINESTRING(1 0,1 1)"
>     "LINESTRING(1 1,1 1.5)"
>     "LINESTRING(1 1.5,1 2)"
>     "LINESTRING(0 1,1 1)"
>     "LINESTRING(1 1,2 1)"
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