[postgis-users] Cannot access offline value raster

Bborie Park dustymugs at gmail.com
Tue Oct 8 07:03:59 PDT 2013

You'll want to make sure that the account running the PostgreSQL service
has access to C:\Users\user\Desktop\.


On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 3:55 AM, irina.coviello
<irina.coviello at imaa.cnr.it>wrote:

> Dear all,
> this is my first post and I hope someone can help me.
> I cannot access to the information stored in raster mode out-db.
> Rasters are of the type : generic binary + envi hdr file.
> I've run the following command:
> raster2pgsql -R "C:\Users\user\Desktop\1KM*_?? public.tmp | psql -U
> postgres -d gisdb_2.1
> so, I specify the absolute full path of the file.
> But for example, when I run the query:
> SELECT ST_Value( rast , 1, 937, 646)
> tmp from where rid = 1 ;
> or
> SELECT St_SummaryStats(rast)
> from tmp where rid=1;
> the error message is as follows:
> ERROR : rt_band_load_offline_data : Can not open raster offline:
> C:\Users\user\Desktop\1KM_2006_01_16_094500_ch31_T_TB
> If I run the query:
> select st_width (rast) , st_height (rast)
> tmp from where rid = 1 ;
> I get the right information, so I think the metadata are stored correctly.
> I haven't problem if the same raster file is stored in mode in-db.
> The work environment is:
> " POSTGIS =" 2.1.0 r11822 " GEOS =" 3.4.2 - CAPI - 1.8.2 r0 " PROJ =" Rel
> 4.8.0 , March 6, 2012 " = GDAL " GDAL 1.10.0 , released 24/04/2013 " libxml
> =" 2.7.8 " LIBJSON =" UNKNOWN " RASTER "
> and Windows 7 Professional 64 -bit and Postgres 9.2
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