[postgis-users] Export from postGIS to ESRI Personal GeoDatabase

Roxanne Reid-Bennett rox at tara-lu.com
Tue Dec 2 17:49:30 PST 2014

On 12/2/2014 1:37 PM, Robert Burgholzer wrote:
> Wondering if anyone has any experience running from PG to ESRI mdb.  
> Basically, we want to use PostGIS as our master, and then replicate in 
> GeoDB format for field personel to reference when they are unable to 
> connect to the Web due to remote location (which happens very 
> frequently in our line of work).
> Any thoughts, experiences would be welcome.

I can't speak to ESRI mdb.

But.. Our mobile developer used an old (now unsupported) package [I 
don't know the name] with some tweaks to add LibGEOS support to 
SQLLite.  If you want to know more about that port - I can certainly 
make inquiries.  Our Web SaaS system runs on PG and the mobile app is 
connecting to that to pull data down to be available offline, which 
sounds a lot like your architectural needs.


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