[postgis-users] ST_SummaryStats(ST_Clip(rast, geom)) with tiles

juli g. pausas juli.g.pausas at uv.es
Wed Jul 22 05:39:10 PDT 2015

I have a raster from which I'd to compute some stats. The raster have with
tiles, so

SELECT (ST_SummaryStats(rast, 1)).* FROM rastertmp.prova
 -- give me the stats for each  tiles

SELECT (ST_SummaryStats(ST_Union(rast), 1)).* FROM rastertmp.prova
 -- give me the stats for all raster map, OK

Now I'd like to intersect with a polygon map (ecoregion) and get the stats
for each region:

SELECT ecoregion_cod, (res).* FROM
  (SELECT p.ecoregion_cod, ST_SummaryStats(ST_Clip(r.rast,1, p.geom, true))
AS res
    FROM gis_wd.wd_ecoregiones AS p, rastertmp.prova AS r
    WHERE ST_Intersects(r.rast, p.geom)
    GROUP BY ecoregion_cod, res) AS foo;

this give me the stats for each region in each tile, but I'd like the
overall stats, i.e. the stats for each region in the whole raster. How can
I do it?

Including ST_Union before clipping didn't wok ..
ERROR: aggregate functions are not allowed in GROUP BY
Any other way?

The only thing I can think off is to do it 'manually' using ST_ValueCount:

SELECT ecoregion_cod, SUM(valor * suma)/SUM(suma) AS mean, SUM(suma) AS n,
MIN(valor) AS min, MAX(valor) AS max
(SELECT ecoregion_cod, (res).value AS valor, SUM((res).count) AS suma
  (SELECT p.ecoregion_cod, ST_ValueCount(ST_Clip(r.rast,1, p.geom, true))
AS res
    FROM gis_wd.wd_ecoregiones AS p, rastertmp.provanet AS r
    WHERE ST_Intersects(r.rast, p.geom)
   ) AS foo
GROUP BY ecoregion_cod, valor
) AS foo2
GROUP BY ecoregion_cod
ORDER BY ecoregion_cod;

In this  way I can compute the mean (and min, max), but I cannot compute
StdDev from ValueCount. Is there a way?

Thanks for any suggestion

*CIDE, CSIC*  |  www.uv.es/jgpausas  |
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