[postgis-users] WITH ...

Bo Victor Thomsen bo.victor.thomsen at gmail.com
Fri Jul 31 04:07:07 PDT 2015


/SELECT rid, ST_Reclass(ST_Band(rast, 1), 1, '[1-10000]:1', '16BSI', 0) //
//    FROM rastertmp.prova//


positiu AS (
     SELECT rid, ST_Reclass(ST_Band(rast, 1), 1, '[1-10000]:1', '16BSI', 0)
     FROM rastertmp.prova

does not contain a column "rast". The original table rastertmp.prova 
does contain the aforementioned column.

positiu is aliased to t2 in the second clause in the with statement, 
hence the error message "t2.rast..."

You might rewrite the select as this

/SELECT rid, ST_Reclass(ST_Band(rast, 1), 1, '[1-10000]:1', '16BSI', 0) 
*as rast* //
//    FROM rastertmp.prova/

if it's the reclassified rast you're interested in

Bo Victor Thomsen

On 31-07-2015 12:43, juli g. pausas wrote:
> positiu AS (
>     SELECT rid, ST_Reclass(ST_Band(rast, 1), 1, '[1-10000]:1', 
> '16BSI', 0)
>     FROM rastertmp.prova
> ),

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