[postgis-users] Difference between light-weight geometry types

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Tue Mar 24 08:57:07 PDT 2015

Yes, there's a difference.

A collection  (LWCOLLECTION) is just a bag'o'objects.
A compound curve (LWCOMPOUND) is a specific kind of linear object, one
defined by a set of linear primitives: LWLINE, a linear primitive made
by making linear interpolations between pairs of control vertices;
LWCIRCSTRING, a linear primitive made by making circular arc
interpolations between triples of control vertices. While a
LWCOLLECTION imposes no restrictions on its members, a LWCOMPOUND
expects its members to (a) be linear primitives (b) join up end-to-end
into a single linear object.


On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 7:16 AM, Igor Stassiy <istassiy at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> is there any difference between LWCOLLECTION and LWCOMPOUND? Has the meaning
> changed since postgis 1.5 (when liblwgeom wasn't yet packaged) to liblwgeom
>>= 2.0?
> Also, what does LWCIRCSTRING stand for? Is it a closed line string?
> Thanks a lot,
> Igor
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