[postgis-users] I am probably being stupid but I cannot get my rasters to display using QGIS

Paragon Corporation lr at pcorp.us
Fri Nov 6 14:12:52 PST 2015



What you are doing sounds fine.  So not sure off hand why it doesn't work.


Can you return the output of 


SELECT postgis_full_version();


Just want to see your GDAL version and also that your data directory is
being picked up.


Also there should be an error in the logs of PostGIS that should give more
info about the error and if not, you can turn on logging in your db to see
what queries QGIS is pushing.


Logs are usually kept in postgres data folder in folder pg_logs.



Hope that helps,







From: postgis-users [mailto:postgis-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf
Of Darrel Maddy
Sent: Friday, November 06, 2015 9:15 AM
To: postgis-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [postgis-users] I am probably being stupid but I cannot get my
rasters to display using QGIS


Dear all,


Please accept this elementary question but I have been struggling with this
despite working through my copy of postgis in action (ver 2).


I have imported my tifs into a table as follows (I am using postgres 9.4 and
postgis 2.2.0): 


raster2pgsql -I -C -M *.tif -F -s 27700  testrast.all | psql -h localhost -U
postgres -p 5433 -d postgisi_in_action


The table appears in pgAdmin as expected.  At this stage all I am trying to
do is visualise one of the tifs (there are 30) in QGIS (2.10).  I connect
via  dbmanager and can see the table.


I have tried add to canvas on the 'all' table but it simply falls over.  I
also tried running a simple query in the sql window


select rid,rast::geometry from testrast.all WHERE rid=1   and adding this as
a layer.  This produces a box (presumably just of the dimensions of the


How can I get it to display the actual raster image itself?


Frankly I am embarrassed asking this question but I just don't see how to do



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