[postgis-users] Error with ST functions

Paragon Corporation lr at pcorp.us
Fri Nov 20 21:21:29 PST 2015


There is nothing wrong here except your query.


There is no such signature as ST_Clip(Boolean, geom,rast)




ST_Clip(geom,rast, boolean)


Your proc query did the array agg of protos out of sequence.


Easiest way to see this is just open a psql console and run


\df st_clip


And you should see this though your schema location is probably different from mine.


                                                                                   List of functions

Schema  |  Name   | Result data type |                                                          Argument data types                                                          |  Type


postgis | st_clip | raster           | rast raster, geom geometry, crop boolean                                                                                              | normal

postgis | st_clip | raster           | rast raster, geom geometry, nodataval double precision, crop boolean DEFAULT true                                                     | normal

postgis | st_clip | raster           | rast raster, geom geometry, nodataval double precision[] DEFAULT NULL::double precision[], crop boolean DEFAULT true                  | normal

postgis | st_clip | raster           | rast raster, nband integer, geom geometry, crop boolean                                                                               | normal

postgis | st_clip | raster           | rast raster, nband integer, geom geometry, nodataval double precision, crop boolean DEFAULT true                                      | normal

postgis | st_clip | raster           | rast raster, nband integer[], geom geometry, nodataval double precision[] DEFAULT NULL::double precision[], crop boolean DEFAULT true | normal

(6 rows)


Or look at the manual




Hope that helps,









From: postgis-users [mailto:postgis-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Lorenzo Bottaccioli
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2015 7:10 AM
To: Lorenzo Bottaccioli <lorenzo.bottaccioli at gmail.com>; PostGIS Users Discussion <postgis-users at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Error with ST functions


HI, I'have tried to reinstall postgis. But i still get errors like this one:



ST_clip(True,polygon.geom, raster.rast)


  public.edifici as polygon,

  public.ele1000x1000 as raster;

ERROR:  function st_clip(boolean, geometry, raster) does not exist

LINE 2: ST_clip(True,polygon.geom, raster.rast)


HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.

gis=# SELECT                     

  n.nspname, p.proname, array_agg(t.typname)


  pg_proc p, pg_namespace n, pg_type t

 WHERE p.proname = 'st_clip'

   AND n.oid = p.pronamespace

   AND t.oid = any (p.proargtypes)


   n.nspname, p.proname, p.oid;

 nspname | proname |              array_agg               


 public  | st_clip | {bool,_float8,geometry,raster}

 public  | st_clip | {bool,_int4,_float8,geometry,raster}

 public  | st_clip | {bool,float8,geometry,raster}

 public  | st_clip | {bool,int4,float8,geometry,raster}

 public  | st_clip | {bool,int4,geometry,raster}

 public  | st_clip | {bool,geometry,raster}



2015-11-19 18:38 GMT+01:00 Sandro Santilli <strk at keybit.net <mailto:strk at keybit.net> >:

On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 06:25:46PM +0100, Lorenzo Bottaccioli wrote:
> grep -i st_bandisnodata rtpostgis.sql
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION st_bandisnodata(rast raster, band integer
> DEFAULT 1, forceChecking boolean DEFAULT FALSE)
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION st_bandisnodata(rast raster, forceChecking
> boolean)
>     AS $$ SELECT st_bandisnodata($1, 1, $2) $$

Right, so someone tempered with the db.
There might be more things missing.

One way to check what else is missing would be:

 CREATE EXTENSION postgis VERSION '2.1.2' FROM 'unpackaged';
 -- you'd get an error here, if anything is missing
 ROLLBACK; -- we're just checking, right?

Let me know if you need help with fixing things.


  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
  /\   http://strk.keybit.net/services.html


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