[postgis-users] Understanding 3d bbox filtering support

Rémi Cura remi.cura at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 08:13:49 PST 2017

I can't test right now,
but :
 - you have the same srid for object and bbox right?
 - I remember Sandro discussing this case


2017-01-18 14:47 GMT+01:00 Andrea Aime <andrea.aime at geo-solutions.it>:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to perform a "simple" 3d bounding box filter against a dataset
> with 3d coordinates
> and I'm getting some funny/weird results. I am using postgis 2.2.
> The table looks as follows:
>                                         Table "public.3dfloor"
>    Column   |             Type              |
>  Modifiers
> ------------+-------------------------------+---------------
> ------------------------------------------
>  gid        | integer                       | not null default
> nextval('"3dfloor_gid_seq"'::regclass)
>  newfeat_id | integer                       |
>  geom       | geometry(MultiPolygonZ,7415) |
> Indexes:
>     "3dfloor_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (gid)
>     "3dfloor_geom_idx" gist (geom gist_geometry_ops_nd)
> The index has been created with ND support. Now, the table contains 16
> rows with varying Z values,
> sample summary here:
> > select gid, ST_ZMin(geom), ST_ZMax(geom) from "3dfloor";
>  gid | st_zmin | st_zmax
> -----+---------+---------
>    1 |       0 |       0
>    2 |       0 |       0
>    3 |       3 |       3
>    4 |       6 |       6
>    5 |       9 |       9
>    6 |      12 |      12
>    7 |      15 |      15
>    8 |      18 |      18
>    9 |      21 |      21
>   10 |      24 |      24
>   11 |      27 |      27
>   12 |      30 |      30
>   13 |      33 |      33
>   14 |      36 |      36
>   15 |      39 |      39
>   16 |      42 |      42
> I'm trying to filter using a 3d bbox, but I'm getting back all rows while
> I would expect to get only the first two, instead I'm getting
> back all of them:
> > select count(*) from "3dfloor" where geom &&&
> ST_3DMakeBox(ST_makePoint(0,0,0), ST_MakePoint(1000000,1000000,1));
> 16
> Anyone knows why it's happening? Hopefully I'm missing something obvious
> :-)
> Cheers
> Andrea
> --
> ==
> GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
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> ==
> Ing. Andrea Aime
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> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
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> phone: +39 0584 962313
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