[postgis-users] Self-intersecting polygon gives ST_IsSimple=true

Jukka Rahkonen jukka.rahkonen at latuviitta.fi
Fri May 5 00:28:03 PDT 2017


I do not understand this:

select ST_IsValid(
'POLYGON (( 320 620, 460 620, 460 500, 320 620, 320 500, 180 500, 180 
620, 320 620 ))'
Result: "f".

select ST_IsValidReason(
  'POLYGON (( 320 620, 460 620, 460 500, 320 620, 320 500, 180 500, 180 
620, 320 620 ))'
Result: "Ring Self-intersection[320 620]"

select ST_IsSimple(
  'POLYGON (( 320 620, 460 620, 460 500, 320 620, 320 500, 180 500, 180 
620, 320 620 ))'
Result: "t"

Shouldn't ST_IsSimple return "false"? OpenJUMP reports that this polygon 
is "Not Simple Geometry"
I tried PostGIS versions 2.1 and 2.3, both versions give "true".

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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