[postgis-users] Can we treat a large block of psql codes as a string and execute the string?

Shaozhong SHI shishaozhong at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 23:47:45 PDT 2020

Hi, Giuseppe,

The following is the error message.

NOTICE: identifier "SET style_description = CASE WHEN descriptiveterm ~*
'Polygon Closing Link' THEN 'Polygon Closing Line' ELSE 'Unclassified' END"
will be truncated to "SET style_description = CASE WHEN descriptiveterm ~*
'Polygon C" NOTICE: identifier "SET style_description = CASE WHEN
descriptiveterm ~* 'Polygon Closing Link' THEN 'Polygon Closing Line' ELSE
'Unclassified' END" will be truncated to "SET style_description = CASE WHEN
descriptiveterm ~* 'Polygon C" LINE 11: psqlstring := 'UPDATE' || output ||
"SET style_description =... ^ ERROR: syntax error at or near "exec" LINE
13: exec psqlstring; ^ SQL state: 42601 Character: 501



On Wed, 22 Apr 2020 at 07:34, Shaozhong SHI <shishaozhong at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, Giuseppe,
> See the following code to see what I am trying to do.
> DO $$
> wccdate TEXT;
> output TEXT :=
> 'public.topographic_line_buckinghamshire_milton_keynes_line';
> psqlstring TEXT;
> execute format('ALTER TABLE %s ADD style_description varchar(50)', output);
> execute format('ALTER TABLE %s ADD style_code int2', output);
> psqlstring := 'UPDATE' || output || "SET style_description = CASE WHEN
> descriptiveterm ~* 'Polygon Closing Link' THEN 'Polygon Closing Line' ELSE
> 'Unclassified' END";
> psqlstring :=  psqlstring || "'," || " " || output || ")'";
> execute psqlstring;
> END $$;
> The other day when I composed a very long string to do something else, it
> worked.
> Now, I am trying to make update statement and then execute the string.
> But, I keep get error message saying the string gets truncated.
> Regards,
> Shao
> On Tue, 21 Apr 2020 at 23:09, Giuseppe Broccolo <g.broccolo.7 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Shao,
>> Maybe you are looking about how to pass SQL statements via a shell
>> here-document:
>> psql [options] <<EOF
>> FROM foo1
>> WHERE col='val';
>> SELECT * FROM foo2;
>> EOF
>> Eventual bash variable within the here-document can be interpolated. To avoid that just quote the first instance of EOF
>> psql [options] <<'EOF'
>> FROM foo1
>> WHERE col='val';
>> SELECT * FROM foo2;
>> EOF
>> Il giorno mar 21 apr 2020 alle ore 21:16 Shaozhong SHI <
>> shishaozhong at gmail.com> ha scritto:
>>> It is quite appealing to wrap up a large block of psql codes as a string
>>> and execute the string.
>>> And, how to deal with quotes within quotes.
>>> I tried short text strings.  It worked well, but it does not seem to
>>> work with very long strings in different lines.
>>> Can anyone shed light on this?
>>> Regards,
>>> Shao
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