[postgis-users] Fwd: Re: Broken installs for PostGIS for Ubuntu 20.04LTS / Focal?

Marco Boeringa marco at boeringa.demon.nl
Fri May 15 01:55:50 PDT 2020


It now appears the PostGIS team indeed removed 'ST_Accum', but forgot to 
update the online PostGIS Help. I see two OSGEO tickets related to this:



Both mention replacing 'ST_Accum' with 'array_agg'.


Op 15-5-2020 om 10:38 schreef Marco Boeringa:
> Tom,
> One more question:
> After successfully installing the PostGIS 3.0.1 extension using CREATE 
> EXTENSION in pgAdmin4 on PostgreSQL 12.3 on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal, I now 
> ran into an issue where it appears the 'ST_Accum' function is missing 
> in my PostGIS install. My code calls this, and it failed. I then had a 
> look at the function list in pgAdmin, and indeed 'ST_Accum' is not 
> listed. I do see loads of other PostGIS functions, just 'ST_Accum' 
> seems missing (although I cannot garantuee there are a few more 
> missing functions, but the list seems pretty comprehensive from a 
> quick look, and the CREATE EXTENSION call went without a hitch).
> Can you confirm you see 'ST_Accum' in your PostGIS 3.0.1 function list 
> if you look in pgAdmin? The PostGIS Help does not mention some 
> deprecation of this function:
> https://postgis.net/docs/ST_Accum.html
> Marco
> Op 14-5-2020 om 11:42 schreef Tom van Tilburg:
>> Whatever lives in /usr/local/lib was my manual build so I had to 
>> delete that manually.
>> I did  `sudo rm /usr/local/lib/libgeos*` (same for proj and sfcgal)
>> On top of that I purged all old package configurations `sudo apt 
>> purge <packagename>` just to be sure but I don't think it is needed.
>> Best,
>>  Tom
>> On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 10:45 AM Marco Boeringa 
>> <marco at boeringa.demon.nl <mailto:marco at boeringa.demon.nl>> wrote:
>>     Hi Tom,
>>     Thanks for the tip, but what did you do to remove the old
>>     install? Did you rely on Apt or Synaptic to remove the old
>>     libgeos version, or did you manually clean up folders? I had two
>>     versions of libgeos as well (3.7 and 3.8) if I remember well
>>     (need to start up the VM again to check), and removed the older
>>     one through Synaptic just leaving the 3.8 version, but that
>>     wasn't enough to solve my particular issues.
>>     Marco
>>     Op 14-5-2020 om 10:32 schreef Tom van Tilburg:
>>>     I think I solved it.
>>>     The issue lies with gdal, not postgis (test by running
>>>     `gdalinfo`), and it turns out there was an old install of
>>>     libgeos (3.7) in my /us/local/lib. After simply removing all
>>>     related files in /usr/local/lib gdal (and postgis and qgis)
>>>     stopped complaining (I had to remove old installs of geos, proj
>>>     and sfcgal for that).
>>>     This issue put me on the right track:
>>>     https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/issues/2214
>>>     T.
>>>     On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 3:15 PM Marco Boeringa
>>>     <marco at boeringa.demon.nl <mailto:marco at boeringa.demon.nl>> wrote:
>>>         Thanks Tom,
>>>         I have seen a similar error related to the "libgdal26"
>>>         library, but that was after other trials to get something
>>>         running on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal, where I successfully
>>>         installed PostGIS 2.5.4, but then encountered issues when my
>>>         code called the "postgis_full_version()" function and
>>>         errored out with the error message below related to the
>>>         "libgdal.so.26" library. However, as said, this was with
>>>         PostGIS 2.5.4, not with the PostGIS 3.0.1 I actually want to
>>>         install at this moment and that gave the other error related
>>>         to the "postgis-3.so" library.
>>>         SQL Error [XX000]: ERROR: could not load library
>>>         "/usr/lib/postgresql/11/lib/rtpostgis-2.5.so
>>>         <http://rtpostgis-2.5.so>": /usr/lib/libgdal.so.26:
>>>         undefined symbol: GEOSMakeValid_r
>>>           Where: SQL statement "SELECT public.postgis_gdal_version()"
>>>         PL/pgSQL function postgis_full_version() line 34 at SQL
>>>         statement
>>>         Marco
>>>         Sorry for the short answer, am on the way currently. Will
>>>         try to do a decent report tonight.
>>>         Error is roughly the same but comes from libgdal26 in my
>>>         case when doing apt install qgis after an upgrade to 20.04.
>>>         best, Tom
>>>         On Wed, 13 May 2020, 14:48 Marco Boeringa,
>>>         <marco at boeringa.demon.nl <mailto:marco at boeringa.demon.nl>>
>>>         wrote:
>>>             Thanks for the response Tom, but could you be a bit more
>>>             specific?
>>>             What do you mean with "Same problem with qgis"? Do you
>>>             mean you've also encountered a "undefined symbol:
>>>             GEOSMakeValid" error related to the "postgis-3.so"
>>>             library when trying to use some tool in QGIS?
>>>             I have installed PostgreSQL 12 and PostGIS 3.0.1 via
>>>             Synaptic on Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal) and use CREATE
>>>             EXTENSION (via pgAdmin4), when I encounter the error.
>>>             Marco
>>>             Op 13-5-2020 om 14:40 schreef Tom van Tilburg:
>>>>             Same problem with qgis
>>>>             On Wed, 13 May 2020, 11:14 Marco Boeringa,
>>>>             <marco at boeringa.demon.nl
>>>>             <mailto:marco at boeringa.demon.nl>> wrote:
>>>>                 Hi all,
>>>>                 Is there someone who can confirm they have been
>>>>                 able to install PostGIS
>>>>                 3.0.1 via the official APT repository?:
>>>>                 https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Apt
>>>>                 After using the Synaptics Package Manager to
>>>>                 install the three packages
>>>>                 involved
>>>>                 ("postgresql-12-postgis-3"/"postgresql-12-postgis-3-dbgsym"/"postgresql-12-postgis-3-scripts"),
>>>>                 and subsequently trying to create the PostGIS
>>>>                 extension in pgAdmin4, I
>>>>                 get the following error:
>>>>                 ERROR: could not load library
>>>>                 "/usr/lib/postgresql/12/lib/postgis-3.so":
>>>>                 /usr/lib/postgresql/12/lib/postgis-3.so: undefined
>>>>                 symbol: GEOSMakeValid
>>>>                 I have been trying different things to fix this for
>>>>                 past two days
>>>>                 including re-install, but to no avail. I have also
>>>>                 attempted to include
>>>>                 the UbuntuGIS repository as a potential alternative
>>>>                 resource of PostGIS
>>>>                 packages, but discovered the UbuntuGIS repository
>>>>                 is lagging behind and
>>>>                 doesn't yet have packages for 20.04LTS.
>>>>                 Marco
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