[postgis-users] Creating a boundary of an aggregate of buildings
Luca Bertoncello
lucabert at lucabert.de
Tue Jan 19 00:38:32 PST 2021
Am 19.01.2021 09:01, schrieb Hugues François:
Hi Hugues
> The attached function could help you to solve your issues and test
> several thresholds when adapted to your own database. I'm sorry it's
> written in a weird French-English style but the queries should help
> you to understand the variable names meaning. Of course, feel free to
> ask any question.
> The hole issue is directly adressed line 55 to line 85. It uses
> st_dumprings along with st_exterrioring and st_buildarea and compares
> hole surface to the "surf_trou" threshold.
Thank you very much. I'll try to adapt your functions to the
OpenStreetMaps' data.
Now I'm trying to reduce the "little spots" on the map joining the table
with the "city's building boundaries" with a table with the "city's
administrative boundaries" and select only the building in a city, but
it does not work...
My query:
FROM city_boundaries, city_admin_boundaries
WHERE ST_Within(city_boundaries.way,
city_admin_boundaries.way) AND
(city_admin_boundaries.population >= 18000 OR
city_admin_boundaries.km2 >= 50);
Unfortunately I get many little spots outsides the cities and inside the
cities I have few spots with buildings.
If I just use:
FROM city_boundaries
WHERE (ST_Area(ST_Transform(way, 4326)::geography) / 1000000)
> 3.5;
I get many spots outside the city and great building's spots inside the
city_admin_boundaries was created as:
CREATE TABLE city_admin_boundaries AS
WHEN (planet_osm_point.tags->'population' ~ '^[0-9]{1,8}$') THEN
(planet_osm_point.tags->'population')::INTEGER ELSE 0
END as population,
(ST_Area(ST_Transform(planet_osm_polygon.way, 4326)::geography) /
1000000) AS km2
FROM planet_osm_polygon
SELECT name, MAX(admin_level) AS al
FROM planet_osm_polygon
WHERE boundary = 'administrative' AND admin_level IN ('4', '6', '8')
AND osm_id < 0 GROUP BY name
) size USING(name)
JOIN planet_osm_point USING (name)
WHERE planet_osm_polygon.boundary = 'administrative' AND
planet_osm_polygon.admin_level = size.al AND
planet_osm_polygon.admin_level IN ('6', '8') AND
planet_osm_point.place IN ('city', 'town')
) OR
planet_osm_polygon.admin_level = '4' AND
planet_osm_point.place = 'city'
planet_osm_polygon.osm_id < 0;
and contains correct data, since I display the administrative boundaries
on the map, too and they are correct.
Could someone explain me where is my error?
Luca Bertoncello
(lucabert at lucabert.de)
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