[postgis-users] Does ArcGIS 2.7 Pro work with PostgreSQL 13 / PostGIS 3.1
Marco Boeringa
marco at boeringa.demon.nl
Sat May 22 04:29:15 PDT 2021
I doubt this browsing issue has anything to do with
'random_page_cost'... Why on earth would it? This is a PostgreSQL
setting, to which the ESRI software is essentially completely oblivious.
The ESRI software just sits on top of this PostgreSQL infrastructure, it
essentially doesn't do anything different than QGIS does, just watch the
SQL statements coming in in PgAdmin.
I have been running ArcMap and latest ArcGIS Pro versions against up to
PostgreSQL 13 / PostGIS 3.1 mostly fine using ArcGIS "Query Layers",
including browsing data from the catalogs in ArcMap and Pro, with a
postgresql config optimized for SSD (both run against SATA and NVMe
raid), and an OpenStreetMap "planet" size database on an HPZ840 dual CPU
(S2) workstation that I managed to recently acquire second hand from a
refurbished hardware supplier.
Yes, I have a few bug cases open at ESRI support, including one related
to a very specific serious performance issue of one of the geoprocessing
tools, but none of that related to 'random_page_cost'. Also, as soon as
you start upgrading the technical challenges to OpenStreetMap "planet"
size databases, ArcGIS certainly isn't the only software out there
running into issues here and there, QGIS does too, as well as many other
software packages. Handling > 500M record tables, just requires thought,
whatever toolbox you happen to open...
Op 22-5-2021 om 12:51 schreef Darafei "Komяpa" Praliaskouski:
> ESRI has multiple issues in itself that are terrible to debug.
> A client of ours fights a bug where it can't browse tables once you
> set random_page_cost to the SSD values of 1.1 instead of 4. So I guess
> if we're using a bit more index scan than usual there may be an
> unknown problem that does not show itself with QGIS and GeoServer.
> On Mon, May 17, 2021 at 10:05 PM Regina Obe <lr at pcorp.us
> <mailto:lr at pcorp.us>> wrote:
> Has anyone tried running PostgreSQL 13 with PostGIS 3.1 and using
> ArcGIS Pro
> 2.7 for editing?
> I gather from this that it is not supported?
> https://desktop.arcgis.com/en/system-requirements/latest/database-requiremen
> ts-postgresql.htm
> <https://desktop.arcgis.com/en/system-requirements/latest/database-requirements-postgresql.htm>
> I think for ST_Geometry type (ESRI's version) I would need to
> stick with
> PostgreSQL 12 since they probably don't have PostgreSQL 13 binaries.
> But I assume even for that case PostgreSQL 12 / PostGIS 3.1 should
> work fine
> as it's not reliant on ESRI's libs.
> Thanks,
> Regina
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> Darafei "Komяpa" Praliaskouski
> OSM BY Team - http://openstreetmap.by/ <http://openstreetmap.by/>
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