[postgis-users] Clipping a raster and a polygon using ST_Intersection

Regina Obe lr at pcorp.us
Thu Nov 24 07:18:45 PST 2022

I’m not quite sure what you mean by edges aren’t smooth.  Rasters are never
really smooth. Vectors are smooth.  Rasters may look smooth at the edges,
but that’s more because pixels are square and the pixels in each tile line
up with the pixels.


If you want it to look a little smoother, maybe expand your envelop ever so
slightly so it lines up with a pixel in a raster.  So each edge pixel is
guaranteed to be fully inside the raster and no edge partly outside the
raster or do the operation in raster space which I will explain shortly.


ST_Intersection yes is known to be very slow and as you noticed does not
give you a raster back.  

Is ST_Clip + ST_Intersects performance sufficient for your needs? 


ST_Clip really is ST_Intersection in raster space for raster/geometry.  So
you could do the intersection in pure raster space by converting your
geometry to a raster (making sure to align your new raster with your
reference raster).  That should make the edges smooth.


Like so – not tested so might have some syntax errors and also I haven’t
used this in a very long time so may be wrong about what it returns.


    SELECT ST_Intersection(r.rast, r2.rast) AS new_rast

    FROM tb_densitysurface  AS r, country, 

-- create a raster to represent the country that has the same alignment as
our density raster (pixels use the same grid)

                ST_AsRaster(  country.area_country, r.rast, '1BB', 0) AS

  WHERE country.gid = 19 AND ST_Intersects(r.rast, r2.rast) 

) As foo



As far as tiling goes, yah that would improve the smoothness of the inner
tiles but not most outer ones.

You’d also need to ST_Union them all up to get back to a single tile which
will add perhaps more overhead than just keeping as  single tile.


If you want to tile your raster, you can use this function -


Hope that helps,







From: postgis-users [mailto:postgis-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf
Of liglio.pessoal at nexxa.com.br
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2022 2:00 PM
To: postgis-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [postgis-users] Clipping a raster and a polygon using




I created a retangular raster representing number of lightnings in a square.
So I have this matrix raster created using ST_MapAlgebraFct and

This raster is not a tiled raster (tb_densitysurface), and when I Clip this
raster using a polygon, the query below, the performance is not good.

Maybe because the raster is not tiled. So how do I tile this raster ? And I
want the result to be a raster (not gval) to be exported as a file, and then
colored using GDAL.

It worked with a different query only using ST_Clip (this returns a rast
column and is very fast), but the edges aren´t smooth as using
ST_Insersection. I am using Postgis 2.5.






    SELECT ST_Intersection(




    ) As gval

    FROM country, tb_densitysurface WHERE ST_Intersects(rast, area_country)
and country.gid = 19

) As foo







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