[OSRS-PROJ] Changes in EPSG codes?

Jan-Oliver Wagner jan at intevation.de
Fri Oct 24 01:30:59 PDT 2003


I am troubled with the EPSG codes as in different versions of proj:

In Version 4.4.5 there is a code 31493 which is not there anymore
in Version 4.4.7 (where a new code is used for the same projection:

First of all I wonder, whether this is a fix in proj or a change in

The trouble I have is that a UMN MapServer WMS application running with
proj 4.4.5 can not be accessed from a WMS Client that uses proj 4.4.7.

Is this a common problem? Is there a common solution?

Any comment is appreciated.


Jan-Oliver Wagner               http://intevation.de/~jan/

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