[Proj] New Zealand Map grid projection

Claire Castellazzi c.castellazzi at niwa.co.nz
Mon Mar 28 13:58:20 PDT 2011

Hi Hamish (funny to hear from you here!), Hi Frank,  

Thanks a lot for your help. 
I'm sorry, I'm a neophyte with proj in particular, and geodesic in general, 
and unfortunately, something is still bothering me... 

Actually, I need to convert my coordinates into utm60 and I was trying to use cs2cs.  
(cs2cs +proj=nzmg +to +proj=utm +south +zone=60) 
It was not working so I went step by step, using proj to have a look what was going on... 
I thought that the usual datums where associated to each projection as standard parameters... 

Well, now that I understand that you actually need to specify your datum if you want the datum shift to be performed,  
I still have a problem : 
> cs2cs +proj=nzmg +datum=nzgd49 +lat_0=-41.0 +lon_0=173.0  +x_0=2510000 +y_0=6023150 +a=6378388 +rf=297 +no_defs +nadgrids=nzgd2kgrid0005.gsb +to_meter=1.0  +to +proj=utm +zone=60 +south +datum=wgs84 

   Using to definition: proj=utm zone=60 south datum=wgs84 
   Rel. 4.7.1, 23 September 2009 
    projection initialization failure 
    cause: unknown elliptical parameter name 
    program abnormally terminated 

The same command with output in latlon +datum=wgs84, gives the same error... 
    Using to definition: proj=longlat datum=wgs84  
    Rel. 4.7.1, 23 September 2009 
     projection initialization failure 
     cause: unknown elliptical parameter name 
     program abnormally terminated 

Thanks for any help. 

PS : Hamish, I know that NZMG is not the best choice, specially offshore, but it's not my choice...  
The data comes from MED and  has been labeled only with NZMG.  
And I need to put it in the Landmark soft Seisvision, where I'm using the projection UTM60S to builds my maps... 
And yes, I feel much better on land !...  

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