[PROJ] Announcing PROJ 6.0.0

Kurt Schwehr schwehr at gmail.com
Tue Mar 12 16:02:21 PDT 2019


Sounds like you should be at least filing some bugs?

"slow, complicated, buggy and unwanted features and c++  dependence"

Yes, it's a bit slower.  Contributions might speed up build a bit, but it's
still pretty fast compared to building any system that uses it.
Proj and projections have never been simple, but proj has gotten so much
easier for me to maintain for my users thanks to all the changes in the
last couple of years.
The test coverage in version 4 is not good and you are missing out on so
much test coverage development.
The C++ dependence isn't much cost and modern C++ brings with it so many
improvements that provide solid conventions that have been proven to reduce
bugs.  C++ isn't a beginner language, but neither is C.

I wish you luck on your Proj version 4 adventure.  It is what open source
is about that you can do what ever you need with that older code.


Thank you to everyone for your super work!  I feel like such a slacker
right now, so here is at least my couple minute review from head as of a
couple min ago (yeah, I need to dig in more):


It took me a couple reads before I realized that it was telling me to
install the sqlite3 binary

Yes, build and test is dramatically slower for me.  Went from ~15 sec to
~35 sec on my dev machine with aprox debian-testing as the Linux dist.
It's a >1 year old desktop with 28 cores with Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690
v4 @ 2.60GHz

rm -rf build-ninja; time (mkdir -p build-ninja && cd build-ninja && cmake
-GNinja .. && cmake --build . && ctest .)

real 0m37.333s
user 6m50.775s
sys 0m34.070s

I can certainly live with 35 sec to do a from scratch build and test!


I've got some fails and one segfault on my local machine, but mostly passes.
The failures are on me to figure out what is weird about my local setup.
proj_test_cpp_api segfault, I need to make a proper bug report.

[ RUN      ] CApi.proj_identify

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff7b41f00 in proj_list_get_count () from
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007ffff7b41f00 in proj_list_get_count () from
#1  0x000055555582d654 in (anonymous
namespace)::CApi_proj_identify_Test::TestBody() ()
#2  0x000055555589a8aa in void
void>(testing::Test*, void (testing::Test::*)(), char const*) ()
#3  0x00005555558915f5 in testing::Test::Run() [clone .part.540] ()

On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 9:52 AM <support at mnspoint.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> after checking the latest release "6.0 ..." we have decided NOT to
> support it or 5.0. We continue to support older C version of Proj.4
> Reasons: lot of slow, complicated, buggy and unwanted features and c++
> dependence!!
> We hope that this list and official Proj.X will be divide to several
> versions like:
> Proj - Java version (or wrapper)
> Proj - c++ version (or wrapper)
> Proj - c version (the old fast one)
> etc etc
> and maybe to some additional libraries which can be added if required
> ... not to increase or slow down the performance of the application
> using them. There is NO point to include all spam in this library!!
> Janne.
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