[PROJ] Custom PROJ_DATA_PATH Output Directory

Peter Townsend peter.townsend at maplarge.com
Tue Dec 3 11:24:17 PST 2024

Thanks, the cache variable worked too, changed the line to look like this:
"proj.db installation path")

I've created a (slightly) customized build of proj, and we're also going to
be compiling our own GDAL for a docker image which itself requires PROJ.
Both will need to be installed. In order to keep the two libraries totally
separate, I'm renaming my custom proj to have a different filename/prefix
than proj usually generates. This way we can potentially update GDAL at a
different cadence than the customized proj library. Maybe one day we'll
have the custom library still on 9.5 but update GDAL later and use proj but
not 9.5. If both the custom proj and the system proj for GDAL go to read
proj.db from the default location, there will be a version mismatch and one
will fail. Thus, I want to build the custom proj.db file into a different
directory and it'd be nice to just have it part of the already existing
cmake install infrastructure instead of having to fuss with redirections
after the build.

As for prefixing/renaming proj.db, it seems easier to just put it in a
different install path. And then what if CONUS or one of those other loose
files got updated after all these years and caused a version mismatch
issue? Though unlikely, I don't want to have to prefix everything in there.
Plus API-wise it's easier to just call set_search_paths with this
particular location.

On Tue, Dec 3, 2024 at 11:35 AM Greg Troxel via PROJ <proj at lists.osgeo.org>

> Why do people want to install proj to non-standard names?    Most
> packages do not support renaming, so I find it strange that this is
> desirable.   The standard approach if you need two versions of anything
> is to use different prefixes.  Can you explain the need?
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Peter Townsend
Senior Software Developer
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