[PROJ] Is there a cmake way to change the library name?

Greg Troxel gdt at lexort.com
Tue Jun 25 16:27:58 PDT 2024

Carl Godkin via PROJ <proj at lists.osgeo.org> writes:

> I'm not following what you're suggesting here.

I am suggesting keeping the two worlds totally separate.

> The plugin I'm building is for another vendor's software and they don't use
> GDAL or PROJ already in their main program.  But they do use (an older
> version of ) libcurl.  Our normal PROJ and GDAL depend on an up-to-date
> libcurl.
> I've called my minimal (w/o curl) versions of PROJ and GDAL
> "proj_9_3-minimal.dll" and "gdal-minimal.dll."
> We haven't had a problem with the approach I've described.   What problem
> am I flirting with here, or what should I do differently?  Sorry to be
> dense!

Having read that, I think you are ok.   I am assuming:

  Your gdal-minimal.dll links to proj_9_3-minimal

  the plugin links to $other_vendor's libs and gdal-minimal.dll

  there are no programs on the computer that link to both gdal.dll and gdal-minimal.dll

I would tend to separate these by prefix, rather than name, but I don't
use windows and I gather the windows dll world is very difficult to deal

>From my experience in packaging, I see situations where the base system
has one version of a library; let's call it sqlite3 :-) But that base
version is either too old, or lacks rtree, and some package wants the
better one.  But the package also wants heimdal (kerberos), which is
from base, and that links to base sqlite.  This is the sort of problem
that is all too easy to run into.  But it sounds like you are aware of
it and avoiding it, and for now I think you are.  You are though, on
thin ice, and the next wrinkle may push you over the edge.

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