[PROJ] PROJ 9.5.0RC1 & PROJ-data 1.19RC1

Greg Troxel gdt at lexort.com
Sat Sep 14 09:41:42 PDT 2024

Kristian Evers via PROJ <proj at lists.osgeo.org> writes:

> https://download.osgeo.org/proj/proj-9.5.0RC1.tar.gz
> https://download.osgeo.org/proj/proj-data-1.19RC1.tar.gz

I just got to testing, locally updating pkgsrc to the RC as usual.
Everything builds and packages ok and qgis seems to run fine.

I have some regression test failures, but they are the same as 9.4.1, so
I'll need to figure them out - they aren't a reason to hold up 9.5.0.

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