[Qgis-community-team] publishing manual

MORREALE Jean Roc jr.morreale at enoreth.net
Mon Apr 18 06:26:44 EDT 2011

Le 18/04/2011 11:20, Yves Jacolin a écrit :
>> nice, and even nicer to be able to privide a b/w and a color version. And
>> for both versions bw=15 Euro and color=42 Euro you "only" get 5 Euro?
> Yep. But Jean-Roc know better than me the real cost.

b&W > public cost is 15€, margin is 5€
Color > public cost is 42€, margin is ~8€

the b&w is the most bought version

26 copies have been sold in 2 months, representing 170€ of revenue

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