[Qgis-community-team] pull req of translated files

matteo matteo.ghetta at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 03:37:41 PST 2013

Hi Otto,
I think I get it. In steps:
- git pull so my cloned repo is synchronized with the master one on github
- sh script pre_translate it and generation of the files in it/LC....... 
that has to be translated
- translation with QT
- sh script post_translate it and generation of the translated html 
files in output folder

Actually not all the strings of the translated files (introduction 
folder) are translated (that's a mystery because I'm sure I translated 
all of them, maybe I made some mistake in uploading).
I saw that for many untranslated strings there was just a problem of new 
paragraph or missing space between rst and words.
So I think along this weekend I will be able to fix the error of the 
introduction folder.
Now a question: I cannot find the webpage where it appears the rst 
syntax and the relative symbology (i.e. |checkbox| :guilabel:`Prompt to 
save project changes when required`and the image). Can anyone send me 
the link?



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